音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ Aftereffect of "Ar tonelico"

As time goes by, my feeling toward New Year’s coming turns to slight. My life is also goes normally, no anything special. Here, day by day, my days go round; of course, there is me, the normal one. However, that’s my life, my REAL life. Sometimes I feel dull, but I have to do something meaningful for I can’t bear any wasting. Well, I should do something…
So, that here I’m again. I back to spelling my diary.
I bought a new pocket folder. 60 pages (pockets), its color is semi-transparent green. Sure, I said “semi-transparent-stationery-mania” some days ago, and that’s not a coincidence of I bought such one. This night, I put all my drawings which done from last September to now in. I also counted them, oh, dear, 56! When I’ve done such a big number? Yes, yes, forget it, that’s reality.
In addition, when I chose folders, here I only found one I like. And I selected the green one between another orange. On its cover, I saw the character “焔([Homura], blaze),” which may be the brand, was printed. “’Maybe there’s a ‘澪([Mio], waterway)’ on that orange.” I thought and got the orange. However, “That’s still the ‘焔’…” I sighed. Although I sighed, that do is a big kidding if “澪” were on that cover. Also my act was a kidding. Umm… I must listen to too much “焔” and ”澪.” That’s also a kind of aftereffect.