音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ これが私だったっけ -- Was This Me?

The modern time is full of wonders. I remembered that I stopped my paper diary many days after I started MY OPERA.
There is a folder named “Diary” in my computer. Many MS WORD documents are there which named by years. “2006 H18.doc,” “2007 H19.doc,” and “2008 H20.doc.” Of course, the letter “H” is instead of “Heisei.” Besides these WORD documents, there are also many folders which named by years. I put my photos into them. I believe I’m good at classify and manage files. Somewhat, however, I always see the “H20” in “2008 H20.doc” as H2O (water, you see).
These folders are my trace since 2006, but before that, my trace was, at least in my computer, blank.
My history was put in a total of 32 diaries, (their thicknesses are different).
In recent 2 days, I browsed all the 32 ones. And like polices protect the evidences, I also photographed them page by page, (in a night, I was must be mad)!
Key words: classic, animation, Goddess Yuki
Each seal or picture I attached or drew on pages, my messy handwriting by color pens (which even including silver and golden), using of ideograph and emoticton. They are my pages which have the scent of fruit (from my color pens).
In the middle school, our English teacher sang with us “Holy Night”; our chorus and chalk powder covered duty in the high school; the days when we pleased professors to tell us more about the tests, and also the lab mixed acid and alkali.
I ever wrote with cross languages; I think my middle-school grammar was far too silly; and in my rebellious period, I called myself “boku (which often used by boys but girls).”
My story, which have been considered from middle school, is still unfinished (even one episode), and it has got a great metamorphosis. The only-4-heroine frame turned to a perfect “The COVEN.” From my diary, I can see the whole process of the metamorphosis. Moreover, I also find some vestiges about how I became a lolicon.
Besides them, it’s still what?
No matter what is it, but was this me?
I still have a diary, which I even can’t read it smoothly, except the 32 ones. That is a red, locked, small HELLO KITTY diary. My mother bought it as a commemoration of my entering into primary school. That diary was turned into a palimpsest in later years. In grade one, I ever wrote on it with pencil, and I erased my writing later, by some reasons. Maybe I wanted to re-use the diary, and on its first page, I wrote down “July, 1996.” Regrettably, I stopped the writing in August in the same year. And then, the next date was July, 1998. (Why I always started my diary from July, and also from July 1? Did I think I would have time of diary during summer days?) By the way, the previous “July, 1998” looks like “Kara no Kyoukai (the Garden of Sinners),” doesn’t it?
But, I just can’t say more about “my first diary.” I just have not enough courage to read it. Like “Today is new semester, no,” with explaining drawing made by simple style. It’s too pure to read. I always feel shy when I read—my first drawing diary.
Texts and words go inward and outward. Step by step, I’m changing. I have left it a little far from my affection of classic though I still love it; I think my handwriting of English became more beautiful; I lost some interesting to Rakugo (comic talking); the interesting of Haiku ever surged; my favorite singers became more; my drawings looked better and better; “War and Peace” made its top position in my mind; I read all books about Dali of university library; I have more egoism and less politics; I also turn to become, gradually, a zealot for Loli, Goddess Yuki, biology and MY OPERA.
Did I ever live like that? I know the answer is “Yes,” because it’s a mixture of firm truths and hollow feelings.
The girl who wrote down the diaries was me, and the girl who read them is also me.
I am an only-one in the world. And everyone is.
Now, I, the only-one, will have to study hard…
私のパソコンに、一つ「Diary」というフォルダーがある。MS WORDの年別で名づいた日記ファイルがここに置かれる。「2006 H18.doc」、「2007 H19.doc」、そして「2008 H20.doc」。もちろん、このHは「平成」をさす。MS WORD以外、同じく年別で分かれるフォルダーがある。○○年の写真を収納する。
私は、ファイルなどを分類したり、管理することが上手だと信じる。ただ、なんだか、あの「2008 H20.doc」の「H20」は、私の目にいつもH2Oと見られる。
その32つの日記帳以外、また一つ、私は読むことさえうまく出来ない日記帳がある。小学校入学記念として、お母さんが書いてくれた、「HELLO KITTY」の真赤でロック付きの小さい日記帳。あれが後の私に重ね書きにされた。一年生の鉛筆、後で何のわけで自分に消された。書き直しようと思ったかな、私の醜い「1996年、7月」が始めのページに残された。残念ながら、およそ同年の8月になって私は止めた。そして次の日付けは「1998年、7月」だった(どうしていつも7月、しかも7月1日?夏休みが長いから日記の時間があるってわけ?)。ちなみに、上記の「1998年、7月」、ちょっと「空の境界」っぽくない?