音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ I’m DEAD…

For following reasons, I’m dead…
Mozart’s opera “DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE (The Magic Flute),” with conductor Karajan and Berliner Philharmonic, released in 1980. Not a bad version. Though I don’t know much on the art of conducting, I do love Karajan.
I’m learning German. There’re too many words need to be remembered. At the same time, I’ve got to fight on my poor English vocabulary. I’ve ever heard about a man forced his son to remember the novel “Faust,” even by rote. When the boy finished the rote, he had been fluent in German. Maybe it may help. So I found the libretto of “DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE,” and spent some hours to edit the text to be parallel the English translation. But, is it really helpful? I don’t like to learn by rote……
My glasses start to slide down……!!! It’s larger than my face!!! But it didn’t when I just bought it…! And now, I don’t want to get a new pair… since I only use it during watching to the computer screen, or waiting for the bus, I think I may still be lazy longer on getting a new pair.
GENES IX. OMG, my poor reading speed. If I spend 3 hours each day to read 15-20 pages, the time when I finish the book will be 2 months later…
I’m doing some translating of my goddess, Yuki Kajiura’s blog. I know to translate is a good way to improve the language skill. Fortunately, others understand my translation, though sometimes, I may miss some prepositions.
However, bigger mistakes occasionally happen:
How could I use wrong between these words “painter” and “painting”?
I failed to identify an online friend’s gender, until she showed her real name……
Also on that online forum, I’ve told one of my top secrets (that’s about my platonic love affair) to a guy who is 4 years younger than me, at the chat-room, on Valentine day…
The latest episode of my fiction has been worked for almost 2 months! It’s the episode that cost me the longest time… yet I’m still working on it, (I just don’t want to work on it…). What’s wrong? Maybe I’d better to re-write the fiction from the very beginning… then, I’ll decrease the proportion of yuri-like content… but I’m afraid I’ll never decrease them… since I’d glad to see so much yuri-like events in my fiction…… -___-|||
I bathed with a male tonight……! No, I didn’t invite him!! He came in on his own!!! I’m wondering why each time when I bathe, he comes. He should be in his intermittent hibernation! Oh, yeah, spring is coming… er, I’d better explain: he’s Namako, my pet turtle.
Recently, I listened to Vivaldi’s work “Concerto No 5 RV358 movement 3 – Allegro” for not less than 8 times each morning. And I just got the excellent CD: Pachelbel's Greatest Hit: The Ultimate Canon. The music is so beautiful, peaceful, holy, and unforgettable… so, after Vivaldi and Pachelbel, I’m dead.
I’m dead……