音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

☆ Cheese Cake, Badly Baked

Like what I said in last week, I was going to try baking a cheese cake.
I got the recipe from Diana's Desserts, and collected all materials needed. Then, in Saturday afternoon, I started.
Because of the experience of making petit fours in last week, I knew that I had to beat the mixture completely, if not, sugar would still be lumps but liquid. This time, all works of mixing and beating went well, and I was very satisfied with the "noisy" beating work.
However, the problem came. It said in the recipe that I needed to bake the cake in waterbath… I've never done it, and I didn't know anything about what and how. "Well, just give the temperature it requires and maybe it would be fine." I thought, and did.
And what I got was not like a real cheese cake. LOL
Only say the taste, it's not bad. It tasted like cheese, of course (it required 250g of cream cheese, gosh)! It got harden, but didn't become brown; the shape… it didn't look like fluffy, yet it just looked like a piece of cheese pudding, although it was harder than a pudding…
I searched afterwards for a more detailed recipe, and I got a better one. Finally, I knew what the so-called waterbath was. Seems I mustn't make a cheese cake without it. Fine, if I can find those waterbath required baking apparatus, I'll try it again.
Since I would not find them out currently (and I don't want to buy them), the next week, I think I would just try to bake petits fours again. ^^;