音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ I was fooled… no?

I finished watching all the two new "Neon Genesis Evangelion" movies this night (June 17, I mean), and I thought I was fooled. Because, the first movie's title was "Jo (Overture)," and the second one's was "Ha (Break)". According to those, I thought the new NGE had ended: from the beginning to the break, you see. Yet, afterwards, I knew that "Jo, Ha, Kyuu" were always used together, which means I misunderstood from the title and there should be another one, my bad here. In fact, the third movie's title would be "Q: quicking" – the pronunciation of "Q" is the same as "Kyuu". So it will come to the real end of new NGE after "Q", I thought firstly. But, who knows there IS the fourth one!!! Oh man!
I really thought I was fooled, since the very beginning of the first movie of new NGE. It looked like recapping, with the scenes were newly made; they also modified the main story – it was basically the same as the TV version, but sometimes, I love those "new" angels, which looked more "beautiful" than those old ones. However, only based on the story, I would like to say I prefer the TV version. Maybe it is because I have watched too many times of the old TV anime, and got excited.
So far, the movie was still good. I don't really mind recapping with major modifications. In the beginning of the second movie, there was even a new character! Firstly I thought they were intending to merge some characters from the NGE related games, but soon I realized I was wrong. I enjoyed a lot during the watching, though sometimes I complained about their bold modifications.
They changed a bit too much.
How come the third impact was beginning after the 10th angel? Why they changed the number of some angels and omitted some others? Why they moved the stage from Antarctic to the moon? Ahhhh… I have too many "why's" in my mind and I don't want to thing more, because I want to wait for their explanations.
And I want to sleep (it is 1:34 already…).
Anyways, although I hate to wait for unfinished series, I have to wait. It was my bad to watch the current two without knowing there are still two more.
What is fortunate for me is that I do enjoy the new NGE movie series. GAINAX or the new studio or what other names else, you've made an epic document and you're revising it to another epic document! Good luck though I think your new story is on top of attention, and wish you may finish releasing all of them before the real third impact or the 2012 apocalypse!!!