音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ It's My KOKIA Day♪

↑ the cover of KOKIA's 2010 concert DVD, the image was made based on the song "この地球がまるいお陰で / Because the earth is round"
It IS KOKIA's birthday!! I mean, it is July 22 in Japan time. It was a bit weird for me to say "happy birthday" to KOKIA even though the actual date in where I live was one day earlier than where KOKIA lives… ^^;
And today, July 21 in Canada time, was really my KOKIA day.
In the morning, I finally went into the last period of my 1000-KOKIA-plays-in-a-row task, which means, there were only about 100 plays to go. Still in the morning, my ordered KOKIA stuff – KOKIA best collection 2 (wasabi label) – was in the mailbox already! I was so excited that I brought the package to my lab. The balance 2CD-set and "Fairy Dance" were in this collection, and I didn't have them yet. I was so lucky because when I ordered it on amazon.fr, there were only three left. Also, the price was pretty good. The collection cost me about 26 euros, plus 10 euros of shipment, I got three albums, yet it was only a little higher than only one album if I buy via yesasia.com. The more important, one album from this collection, AKIKO-KOKIA-balance, can not be purchased even on amazon.co.jp! Although it is available on anco&co shop, they don't deliver items outside of Japan (most local Japanese online stores don't, which is a shame). However, the only drawback of this purchase was the albums are all in wasabi label, which means they are not the real original Japanese version. The booklets were very similar to the Japanese ones, but the lyrics were in romaji rather than Japanese… oh, no, I'm really bad at reading Japanese in romaji, and I like Japanese, I like to see the booklets were written in Japanese… well, I think I still shouldn't complain for this, since what I got was much more than the small drawback. :P
Regardless of that I found her new song "kotonoha" yesterday, I got the "otonami book" in this morning! I thought I couldn't be able to find it so I was going to find a way to buy it. But… it just showed up (thanks to the person who shared it, and sorry, KOKIA, I couldn't buy it due to the lack of money ^^;). This piano book gave me a very gentle feeling. There were liner notes of each song, and I think I would translate them someday. The thing I want to do most, is that I need to learn playing piano, even only for this book!!
At last, I'd like to write down a more exciting event happened today. I found a guy who is selling KOKIA's "REAL WORLD photobook"!! Oh, MY GOD!! Due to they don't deliver items overseas, I couldn't have the chance to buy it. I thought I would never be able to have it, but the chance has just come. There were only two copies available… I have to order it soon!! I can't do it now because of some technical issues, I can only do it one week later… so… I WISH NO BODY FOUND IT AND THUS I CAN BUY IT!!
But… if I buy this, I would not have enough money to order her 2010 concert DVD, the one that is the best and the most concert-like DVD, according to KOKIA. Hmmm… I think I will still choose the photobook first, because, THIS PHOTOBOOK IS SO RARE!!!
What a day! Oh yay~