音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ We're officially done, and wish we can do it again~

Yesterday afternoon, I was doing my last work for my TA-ing of BIOL231, invigilating their final exam. It was 3 hours long, which was out of my expectation – as our course coordinator emailed us and said that was 2 hours longs. However, I didn't care too much about the extra hour, because I enjoyed it. Not only the last invigilation, but also the entire term.
Before I tried my first teaching, I was really, really nervous. I had no experience in teaching, and I could be diffident if I realise I'm not that well-prepared. Since I was a completely newbie, in the first a few weeks, I only did the minor position for being a TA – to help students and answer their questions. Even though, I didn't feel that was easy to do at all: the most important thing, you've to make sure you understand all things during the lab and what may go on if something happens. Well, I did get embarrassed sometimes because I was not able to answer their questions perfectly, plus that I'm not that careful sometimes (I can make mistakes even when I use a calculator...), I was always thinking that if I could be a good TA. Yet, fortunately, I was lucky to be sitting in the room, listening to some "professional" TA's pre-lab talks. Finally, it was my turn to do my first pre-lab talk.
Before that day, I was excited, and of course, nervous. I wish I could do my best, and as what I wished, the first talking was not that bad. I was very happy and felt very good for doing lots of rehearsal beforehand. I had never known that teaching has so much of fun! The more surprising thing is that you'll never know how good it is when your audience understand what you talked about. I became more and more confident, and did learn a lot about the art of teaching. Hmmm, I know, using the word "art" may be too extreme, but that's what I felt. Every week, I enjoyed my lab time, and I enjoyed to share my preparation to my students, hoping they could understand as much as possible (to understand by yourself and to teach others is completely different, you would know if you ever taught.)
To mark their assignments is a bit pain work, yet I could remind my own undergrad period. How could my TAs think about my assignment? Was mine very awkward like what I was marking? Was I always making exactly the same mistake? Was I trying my best yet couldn't pointing out the exact important point of those questions? I was happy if they did well, I felt disappointed if they failed to get a good mark. Sometimes, they're terribly adorable, and sometimes, they're awfully stupid; yet I still love them, they're my shadow! (And there is a good memory of one student, about streaking plate, though I'm not gonna mention more details about it, I'll never forget it~)
So, during their final exam, I could feel the warmth from them, even that's only a smile or a greeting, I knew at least I was useful to them, my first teaching term was not failed! I felt so before, and I was confirmed by their reflection – that's the real feeling of my heart. Never, never, I've never known that being a TA can achieve so much of satisfaction!
After the exam, another two TA invigilators and me were on our way back.
"We're officially done." one of them said.
Right, we're officially done.
From the very first preparation, pre-reading, try to remember my own experience a few years ago, to do the pre-lab talk, answer kinds of questions, grade their funny-yet-carefully-done assignments/exams, I eventually got myself enjoyed this work. I would never feel diffident in future, and I believe, I'll still gain more experience from this work.
Spring (it snowed recently though...) is coming, there will be less students on campus, however, after the summer, I wish I'll be back to the lab and do the pre-lab talk again. To be better and to achieve more, these are my power to continue being a TA. Although sometimes I'm careless, I have the confidence.
P.S. this is my first version and didn't read it again before posting; haven't written anything for two weeks, hope this post won't be too messy to read. :P