音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ Impure Smalt

I was doing some recording yesterday afternoon.
Originally, I was working on "Brave Song". I've been working on this song for almost a month, but it's just didn't work well. Does my voice range not fit the song? I don't know, but before I get a final version, I'll still keep doing this. -_-
So, when I got tired, I wanted to try some other songs.
Then, I saw the file, binaria's "花紺青".
Right, this one!
I've said before, I have a complex about this song. First, I couldn't draw a good image for it, because it's so formless; second, I couldn't sing it, its duet and chorus are... also formless so it was so hard to catch the back melody.
So my first trying of this song is a big fail. lol
Yet it was so fun. I really like to do multi-track recording, and enjoy the effect when I listen to them together. I do love trying the back melody (if I can get the melody), to me, back melodies are even more beautiful than the main melody.
However, I know the first try was crappy. I need to re-do it sometime, maybe this weekend.
Things I need to refine:
- a better timing for the main melody (Annabel's part)
- a more synchronized back voice, also make it more stable
- for duet part, need to control my voice to gain a similar volume for two parts (Nagi's first part, then Annabel's second part)
Hope I can get a better version and replace this crappy first try (that's why I disabled everything for it, since I will hide it soon or later!)