音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ 音が綴る新しい始まり - A new beginning made by melody

New Year, new music.
Let's go to the point directly, C81, I'm satisfied.
Istoria -Kalliope-

Akiko, you finally began to care about your unfinished promise of Istoria -Musa-... totally FOUR years! TAT
Anyhow, I love this album! This time, all tracks are more unified comparing to Musa. Instead of the collaboration of different composers, Akiko did all the work. I think this is the reason. But, that's a pity that Yoshitaka Hirota wasn't here this time. His arrangement of "Terpsichora" is EPIC!
Also, I don't really like the illustrations. I mean, I don't like their style of drawing the character, especially the face. -_-||
However, the music is superb, and that's enough to me. I have no favorite track, I love them all! XDD These tracks are this kind that you can loop for several times without being realized. You will not get bored by looping; the music is so colorful and gorgeous.
Killer Song

Now, this is my newest addiction!
I never thought there would be Key + yanaginagi! Though I wondered how come there was Key + Haruka Shimotsuki. xD But, nagi does fit it!
This mini-album (or single?) is like a prelude to their next project "Love Song 2". However, by reading their official page, I remembered Key + riya. 13 love songs, similar world setting, also, their URL is called 'lovesong2'!
So, will there be any relationship between these two albums? I hope there are some, but... probably not, who knows. :P
Anyway, I love the music movie of "Killer Song" so much! They're so nice to release a full length video with high quality!

Awesome. I especially love the part begins from 3:50.
時は流れひとつの伝説が / Time went by,
まことしやかに囁かれた / And since when, people were murmuring a tale.
難攻不落の城があるが不可解 / In a mystious impregnable castle,
その城の主は目が見えず / The lord could not see,
騎士はまともに歩けさえしないと / And his knight could not even walk,
そんな奇跡を起こす恋もある / Yet, that was such a miracle by their love.
This is just typical Key-style! ><
Maybe I should use my crappy translation power for the whole lyrics someday. :P
There were other good C81 works, including my favorite Haruka and Annabel, but they were not as exciting as Akiko and Key + nagi. I will just keep those on my EHD and stop writing here.
P.S. Still in Corpse Party mode during New Year. But that guy who made funny videos for "Blood Covered" didn't do live playing videos for "Book of Shadows", I had to look for other's playing videos. People hardly do live videos like him, and all I found were rather boring. -_- Now I only watch for the plot. I hope that guy can do live for BS soon!!!! XDD