音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ Rain and Wonderful Trip

I was too tired to write the experience in last night.
Due to my love(?) to my cells, I gotta go to univ in last night--the sky looked like 20:00, which was 2 hours earlier than the actual time. It seemed to rain; the sky was in a pale, grayish blue. It was not too cold (so we do have summer).
It took about the same time as walking to the station when the bus arrived, but it was the beginning of my unexpected night luck.
The driver first asked me where I was going, "so what about this, I'll drive you to the train station beside the university, which will take only 5 minutes." -- There were like 4 or 5 other passengers in the bus, and seemed that the driver would take them to their closest destination.
Well, not bad though, I thought.
"I'm okay with it, just, shh.." he then turned off the light that shows the bus number.
"See, you haven't even seen any train." he said when we arrived university, "and you don't even need to walk across the bridge."
That was true, and such a nice and funny guy. I don't know how the bus company system works, but I assumed the driver was on his last run. Somehow, the familiar station also became so fantastic after the superb short trip.
On my way back, it was so exciting--it really rained.
At the train station, I was lucky enough that it didn't take so long for the train.
By looking at the scenery in the rain, reflecting the warm and yellow light, what appeared in my mind was the last scene in Bungaku Shoujo movie--though it's a bit different--so I tried to hum the melody of its ending theme song.
However, walking in the rain again, without so many street-lamps, KOKIA's "vintage love" then occupied my heart--how sweet the moment was!
Wonderful trip, thank to my dear(?) cells. xD
Self-note: I'm wondering if it's possible to make my blog displaying the time like Japan TV programs.
I mean, instead of displaying "2012-Jun-14, 01:20", I more want to see "2012-Jun-13, 25:20", which is indicating my "June-13" hasn't ended yet. Seems it's hard to perform, at least I can't do it. So I'll write it here, maybe as a future reminder? :P