音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ vierge automatique -heat up-

With Noriko first time referring to the special page for "vierge automatique" in her blog, she revealed more details about the songs themselves--since that album hasn't got released "in public" (it was already released on her 8/24 live!), nothing about the concepts yet.
So today, 9 days ahead of its official release, I wanna transport the digest of what Noriko mentioned in her blog.

and thus, here let me also show this kinda-creppy album jacket again~
- The cover doll is also from Dollhouse Noah, which is the same as the first single.
- The jacket designer is the same person as in "Yoruoto Hyouhon": Maeda@The Monneyless Vincent Imitation Graphica.
1. vierge automatique
⇒A new song for opening the album. Written in self-made language and like a hymn, arranged by multiple chorus. (Ar Tonelico?!).
2. Mindsphere
⇒The arrangement won't have too much of change. But this time, the vocal and mix were remade. A re-recording.
3. 百花庭園の幻影 (Phantom in the Flower Garden)
⇒This song was only ever performed on the live exhibition in 2004--and there were only 30 people in each time. (What a phantom song!) Therefore, even this song was "rearranged", since it never got released, it can actually be called a "new" song.
4. cercueil blanc~白の柩~
⇒The arrangement, vocal and mix all got changed a lot here in the new version. A real "rearranged" song. Plus the rearrangement was done by Naruki from ORITA, this song will be in ORITA-style. (I'm looking forward how it sounds after rearrangement. I do love the first version!)
5. 廃墟の心臓 (Heart of Ruins)
⇒A new song that was asked to be written in "progressive rock" style. Also just from the title, it's obvious that this song was written for the album. (hmmm, I don't know how prog-rock sounds like, what I know is only about GARNET CROW's J-rock.. orz)
6. 白繭の城 (Castle of White Cocoon)
A song that was composed by Noriko herself! "A secluded girl eventually made a song! (Mitose N, 2012)" This song was born so naturally, yet was also born to be for this album. (It's so great that Noriko got some self-composing!! What kind of aura this song will have? I would say it's "Centifolia" like, but who knows. xD)
7. とおりゃんせ (Touryanse)
⇒An awfully arranged children's folk song. It was supposed to be the "Horror Touranse" like on "Yorlga" live, but here, it turned to be even more horrible, or I would rather say it evolved much more from that point. (But Touranse from Cotton#2 isn't that horror. I'm so curious about this, especially because the arranger is Yoshitaka Hirota.)
8. 薄氷<うすらい> (Thin Ice)
⇒About 15 years ago, Noriko did the lyrics for this song, and it was composed by Saneatu Shinomoto. Noriko only performed it on Kirche live once (another phantom song?!). So this time, it's the Noriko version of "rearrange+cover", and doesn't it sound like another new song?
9. カナリヤ機械 (Automatic Canary)
⇒Even though this song was performed a lot of times through Kirche lives, it never got released. Yet this song fits the motif of the album, it got rearranged specifically and finally will be released. In brief, this song is "Kirche's Mitose self-cover + new recording + first release". (Even only the title attracts me very much!)
10. 伽藍の空 (Temple's Sky)
⇒A new song. Noriko was trying to compose it on her own, yet she couldn't come up with a satisfied melody. Therefore the composing was asked to be done by the one who can create the same sense.
Things like that.
Just simply feel the titles, this album will be even darker than album "Centifolia"--but Noriko really fits such dark songs perfectly. I thought like this natually even I'm not that good at guessing. However, she does have the power to create the unique and delicate metaphysics of imagination.