音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♤ Lemme show you my love to Haruka and how my fb2k works~

#1. The Ultimate Resort is "Shift+Del"
Did I ever say that my most anti-fav music instrument is erhu?
If not, then you know it just now.
The thing is, I just did a wipe-out re-organization of my music collection. Rule was simple, no fondness, no stay.
Thus I deleted this one eventually:

霜月はるか - 蝶ノ在リ処

Because I'm really suffering so much from the abuse of erhu in this album!! NO WAY, I WANNA KEEP MYSELF SANE!! Σ(゚Д゚;
Even though I like Haruka, even though I like Haruka, even though I like Haruka, even though.....
Yet I do admit the booklet is pretty, so I kept only the art works. Illustrations don't hurt! lol
#2. Updates about Haruka's Recent Releases
Alright, here that's about Haruka again (I DID say I like her!).
In previous post, I said I haven't got time to try her new releases:

best collection "想いのコンチェルト", and
a guest work with Polo Rockers from M3-30: "イミテーション"

Then I tried them on Friday, and my conclusion is, they are really, really great!
I didn't like her past best collections at all. Most songs are average and they couldn't flow smoothly. This time, however, from the very first track to the last track, unlike other best collections, I could feel that's an uniformity. Also, the style are rather like most of her doujin works, which satisfied me very much!
About the M3-30, "Imitation", from the introduction, it's a doujin album for a (horror?) game. Well, whatever that game is, the aura of this album is incredibly fantastic! Like what you see in an old film: that's a patch of dark and depressing mixture of colors in a sepia-tone. One of my favorite type!
#3. Do I Have a Naming Fetish?!
I named my temporary music holders using "Hifumi-Norito"!! At least, it's much better than using "untitle" as default. And it's also easier to locate a certain one~ Actually I don't really need 10, but I just want to keep on reading the whole set them. It's cute! (´・ω・`)
↓ And that's how they look like:

Since I'm playing these two album, I also did some markups of this window. Hope you get what I'm doing! :P
Also, you probably will notice that I deleted one track, and I forget its title, from "MIYA Side" due to the destructive power of ruining your hearing. (Another example showing how I delete music.)
#4. Nano-Diary Launched This Week
Microblogging is rubbish, no matter what! Though I enjoy talking with Masumi or Annabel! XD
← So I launched my nano-diary on my sidebar. I call it "nano", so I'm safe! LOL