音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ Seventh Reverie, and hello, Mr. Pyramid Head!

Being accompanied by the re-launch of my "another world" -- just decided to call it so thus I'm following quite a good Silent Hill style :3 -- and as mentioned recently, I've made a new drawing. Actually, during the whole last week, I had such a feeling all the time: "I can't suppress the pulse of the intensive delusion from my heart".
But at least, I have a reward... so maybe I should thank her at this point.
↓ Seventh Reverie

Photoshop's special effect brush settings are fantastic. But I could have tilted the butterflies to make them more vivid. Well, next time I'll try to remember this.
If I remember right, I made the draft on last Tuesday (and it became the background image of the space of my another world). Then, on last Sunday, when I was thinking if I should continue to learn perl or do some fantastic work, I voted for the latter.
I started to outline and colour it on 15:52, and got a screen shot of how the final thing looked like.
Ignore the background perl source code file, just look at the time at right bottom...

It's FIVE HOURS!! °A° I never thought it could take that long.
Anyway, I'm kind of pleased by the improvement of my skill of doing hair lustre, and the next aim should be doing lustre for other general objects~
Hmm.. the umbrella? It was initially designed to fit into a "petal-in-the-rain" background. But seemed I couldn't make it. (I forgot =__=)
Afterwards, the entire makeup took me another FOUR hours.
At first, I was trying to add rose patels, but soon (I mean 1 hour after) I changed my mind.
--Since this work was related to "VII", I should somehow make it Umineko-ish!
Thus how I got to butterflies. :3
Naming a drawing can be hard, or purely random. In this case, I recombined the number of "VII" and my another world's name -- 'cause I had no idea what it should be called!
At last, for god's sake, I can't stop looping Akiko!
Before I end this post, here is a LOL-thing.
I was really lost what a kind of designer(s) made this decision.
They placed The Pyramid Head in front of the building for undergrad science lab (and I eventually got a chance to take a shot of it today)!!!

Although it was a while ago since the first time I saw that thing (and was in a super LOL mode), I still don't understand how come people could put SUCH a thing in front of a NORMAL building. Maybe they have other deeper thoughts toward it, but that must be something I'll never understand.