音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ Wandering on Silent Hill 2's Foggy Street

Roughly five hours in total, I finally made some progress of my trip in Silent Hill 2 (finally went out of the apartment!).
Although someone said SH3 is much ominous than 1 and 2, the feeling of unease doesn't reduce in 2 even I'm on beginner's mode.. Actually I've already been freaked out by our famour Mr. Pyramid Head. About the riddles, be kind of used to SH's riddle style, this time, it hasn't taken much of time to solve them. (Plus, thanks to it, I learned how to unlock a single-dial lock.)
But, no matter the darkness inside of a building or the thick fog around the town, without any sense of direction, I'm almost like pressing-M-key-every-5-steps. Good thing, again, is that I'm on beginner's mode -- I swear I'll cry if I die on this mode! xD
The aftermath in SH2 after SH3.
- Follow his/her eyes -- especially helpful in the foggy town, or I'll miss lots of health drinks and save points;
- Turn the light off before entering a new room, yet I wasn't able to read a piece of note on the door at the very first time trying to open it;
- Keep my fingers on the keyboard while watching event movies. 'Cause you don't know if it's followed by a boss fight...
- Go around everywhere before switching map. Good to collect items, but costs time. Also good to find out new places, although some spots were useless before raising the proper flag.
After the event, on the way to hotel, I noticed that's indeed the same place in SH3, so I wandered a lot (off direction), and enjoying like, ahh, I know this place! -- even though most people would feel the same thing in SH3 instead of SH2, but I touched SH3 first. XD
Now I've just reached the hospital, same place, with the same map! Just like what I had in SH3. I'm excited (though the hospital anotherworld was the most disgusting place in SH3) and looking forward the later story~
The last thing, I never know what's going on when I opened the staircase door and encountered the Pyramid head for the second time. Guess I'll read other's comments after clear this game... =__=
Msg to myself:
Maybe I should integrate my anotherworld into the same place, and differentiating with tag << easier to manage.