音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ Adpoting a penguin is definitely cheapter than having your window frame fixed

I have completely no idea what exactly I'm busy with recently, but I'm just busy. So that having no time to play Silent Hill, or even watch Rozen Maiden.
And the fact is that you always gotta deal with several non primary yet important life-bugs, and thus get sidetracked and causes you even busier.
In my case, my impulse of officially adopting a penguin unlashed my supposed-to-be-well-organised weekend time.
At home with Pepen~
A few weeks ago, I suddenly decided to wipe out my illegal Windows 7 and install a penguin OS onto it. It's not a bad idea to be familiar (and to master for the best) both OS'. So since that time I installed Mint.--You may wonder why not Ubuntu??
In fact, I knew linux from Ubuntu because my lab PC's have it. But I myself chose Mint.
Three reasons,
1. Ubuntu is sorta hard to configure (or maybe it's not my own PC so I can't really try around), and I hate the left-side taskbar, whereas Mint, at least the version I have is very like Windows. As a heavy Windows user, it's so nostalgic that Mint has a XP-like default interface.
2. I NEVER know how to pronounce "Ubuntu",
3. Mint is by default fresh green, which is much better than Ubuntu's dusky orange.
I might get a pure UNIX (which sounds super cool) but I'm not that geek yet to deal with such a stranger. ^^;
Since my first time installation, everything was good, except the screen brightness. I tried the preview version via my USB disk on "LipAura" (my current legal Win 8), and it had no problem with adjusting it. So it must be something wrong inside of that machine. I went online for others' suggestions, from installing VAIO drivers to general controlling tools, but none worked.
At Saturday noon, I was (again) search for solving the way to high screen brightness in order to use this OS without hurting my eyes. By chance? or because I was lucky? I saw someone's posting a line about "nvclock". Alright, lemme have a try.
sudo nvclock -S 40
Alghough I didn't expect anything good, IT JUST WORKED LIKE MAGIC!
I was so happy that I finished my homemade red bean paste--which took me almost 12 hours! >w<
Therefore, I decided to re-install Mint to clean out all previous stupid test prog's for the brightness issue. While giving my laptop a name, I thought over, and finally typed as below:
So now, each time when I start a terminal, I see kiyoko@SilentHill.
And I got super moe-d by simply staring at it! ≧▽≦
On the fluffy cloud
Linux isn't that hard to configure (as a regular, non-geek user of course). Probably it's also because it includes most programs you might need, and you'd just follow the default settings since you're new to this OS. All stuff that I need to take special care aren't that messy to list: Wine, Notepad++, foobar2000, and google drive.
Speaking about gdrive, it's really a shame that there isn't linux version for the syncing. But anyway, there are still things that can achieve it. Before, I ever made attemp to switch to dropbox, but eventually I reached my conclusion that dropbox is rubbish. I do agree that it's great for people who work with both windows and linux (and mac?), just, no matter what kind of free promotion you offer, the initial 2 GB is no way to be enough. We're not staying in the floppy stage, even my USB stick is at least 4-8 GB, and I'm not that type who forgets to carry important data easily.
Maybe Ubuntu One is a good alternative (5 GB is decent enough). But UO can't make me pointing a folder outside of drive C to be the syncing directory, which terminates all my curiosity of trying more with it. Meanwhile, I got Skydrive worked on my "LipAura". It's such a waste if I don't use it since I have 25 GB during the old-user-event (even though my microsoft account is bound to my gmail).
The DUMPY 8.1
After making both my peguin OS and cloud home happy going, another impulse got me crying for the whole Sunday.
I've already read about win 8.1pro, and based most people's review, it does worth to upgrade it. So I did it in the morning. Good thing was I don't even need to re-configure all my system settings, which always causes me super headache. The entire upgrade was smooth. Download-install-reboot, followed by a few simple set-up's then you're done.
But--right, I always make things worse by attaching this word--while I was happy with the new tweaks that can turn off the top-right/left corner hover that originally wakes up the app-switching thing, I was ready to update my user interface back to Japanese. I just can't stop doing it as a Japanophile. :3
There it came the first issue. Guess you already know what it is.
The Japanese language pack isn't yet available!! °A°
Then why German pack is downloadable?! I wish I could use it but I don't know much German. u_u
Fine, I may endure it until they release the pack, no problem. Then the second issue dragged me heart back.
--I'd assume it's "forever".
Some of my programs now have a rather ugly interface. My entire system is beautifully set to the highest resolution as usual, yet those programs are like what you might see from an old win98. I searched online, but I haven't seen many people complaining about it. Was it my own issue with my hardware improperly configured? So I installed the original VAIO graphic driver got from official website again, and also tried to update it. No doubt none of my effort worked.
The thing was, I had NO ISSUE while configuring win 8 on the same machine. x_x
Another bad thing. Thanks to win8's removing of start button, I've stopped using win 8's start up menu. I use cmd to call whatever I want. Now you made it back, not bad, but why it still calls the stupid huge metro-flat-board?? If you make the traditional start button re-appeared, at least summon back the traditional menu! Σ(゚Д゚;
--Win 8.1 isn't that charming like people commented.
It seems not possible to reverse my upgrade back to win 8. It's not like an update-patch that you can remove either. I also looked on microsoft's webpage for installing win 8, but all I got was 8.1. When I was almost in despair, I recalled that there is a link to download and install win 8 when I bought it. Fortunately, that link is still alive!! I'm not sure if it's still visible on MS's webpage; I just wish they never remove/redirect it to 8.1 unless they solve the resolution issue.
Thus I ended up at almost 20:00 -- from 10:00 in the morning, solely for the stupid upgrade. It's also my fault that I should have made a backup USB disk, but who knows SUCH unexpected and silly problems exist!
My happy mood was ruined completely by 8.1 pro. Perhaps the only good thing for my computer today is, I finally connected to my EHD so I have more disk space now.
↓ See how much I have left before (or right during the upgrade, and I haven't changed my laptop name to "LipAura"). (´・ω・`)