音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ Sparkles Out of Boredom

Perhaps October was too sweet so that November sucks a lot... including the most recent M3. I'll never accept that kind of style even that's Annabel!
Thus, every day, I loop that two albums in turn again and again. If counting the play time, I could have gained 2k+ each. :higurashi:
The beginning seems pointless, so will be the whole post, I guarantee.
Let's talk about GUST a little bit. From Ar Tonelico to Ciel nosurge (or is it Ciel no Surge?).
I vaguely remember when I was first introduced to Hymmnos, I was lost due to the rather weird song titles.
Later, I realised those EXEC things are like the exe extension on any WinOS (probably that's why Akira Tsuchiya referred EXEC hymmnos to WinOS).
Even later, more accurately, since this summer, together with my Perl experience accumulating, I started to name my module files using the prefix METHOD (although in terms of hymmnos METHOD is more like the Mac OS). -- I don't deny that I really want to write all my system calls using exec but it doesn't give me a return... :worried:
Then, go back to this February. Ciel nosurge was released (and I have no idea about what kind of game it is). They said C.N. is derived from A.T. (if my memory is right), but even solely based on how the text "looks" like, you could tell CN and AT belong to two totally different systems. Well, you've to agree with that the beginning part of C.N. is so "Utau Oka (=A.T)" like, and that similar singers are involved also prove these two games are somehow related.
They should be, just the link isn't that strong to fully convince me. I simply do what I usually do: enjoy the music, ignore the context (until someday I get a chance to touch the game).
Now, just a few days ago--this Thursday. I was organising my cue sheet files, and--I opened this file, and something rang in my head.
--Aren't these OO packages and hash refs???

Not exactly the same--of course, we're not looking at a programming reference book!--this does resemble what I've been spending time to have trouble with. It's funny, that I'm kind of pleased by seeing the ending semicolon for track 3. :wink:
So, we can conclude that AT is about how to execute scripts/programs, and C.N. is about how to assemble modules/packages.
I've begun to learn the software MrBayes since last week. I don't have a mathematical brain so I didn't know that was a mathematician's name. :left: Anyway, even without knowing anything about the theory itself, the running screen is beautiful! So that gives me an impulse to learn more about statistics! But no, I know I'll not do it for now.
But, when can you converge?! I've been running the (really small) dataset for more than one day! Or maybe I should change the parameters, the tricky part. :waiting:
Recently I'm in a super classical mode and thus I can concentrate. Meanwhile, I noticed quite a lot from my classical collection are under label DECCA. Before I didn't pay much attention, but now I started to have a special affection for it.
See, DECCA=>でっかい (DEKKAi)=>Super huge! Thus describes DECCA selections. :lol:
Although I have nothing new in November to append into my music collection, at least I'm having fun with this or that brain sparks, which is good for appending into my blog xml compilation. :papasmurf: