音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✽ Parhelia

I'll first thank the bus driver I met this morning. She told me first, "There is a rainbow."
Does rainbow appear in winter? I don't know much about this things so I can't tell. But that was what I saw, a rainbow, indeed.
So when I got off the bus, I started to take pictures. My first reaction was something like iridescent clouds, but my hunch told me it's not possible since iridescent clouds (I'm trying to memorise the word "iridescent" that I don't believe I can manage to do it) are rare--according to wikipedia.
Anyway, that was quite an impressive morning. I was so happy to see some colourful stuff standing out of the whiteout.
However, when I looked around a bit more, I realised there is another patch of rainbow in the opposite direction of the one I just took a shot.
Right, till then I suddenly recalled the term "parhelia"--I'm lying, I only knew its Japanese version "幻日/Genjitsu" and discovered its scientific term after.
--There were actually three suns!
and yet it was -28 °C...
It lasted for a whole day. On my way home, I could still see it, just, in the afternoon, the entire halo-ish ring (I don't know exactly what I can call it!) outside the sun was much clearer.
And, that made my day. Freezing, but pretty.
--I just wish I had my camera with me so I didn't have to use my phone to take pictures! °w°
Look up at the sky, and you'll be blessed.