音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ Mozart seria

I first though Jan 27 was last Sunday, but I was wrong, and sadly, the 27th is Monday because I've to fight with Monday Syndrome.
Although it's now scientifically Jan 28, it's still personally Jan 27 to me. So I'll try to make this day somehow special.
~since it's Mozart's 258th birthday~
I love all of Mozart's works unconditionally. So it made him my favorite classical composer. No matter in major or minor, allegro or adagio, his music is so elegant and sweet and adorable and... so that I can loop forever. But for sure, of my unconditional love, there are still pieces that are more addictive.
My Favorite Mozart Pieces (as I can remember immediately)
K. 219: Violin Concerto No. 5 in A.
-- 3rd movement. The "conversation".
K. 239: Serenade in D, "Serenata Notturna".
-- Timpani!!! <3
K. 264: 9 Variations in C.
-- The leading melody captured my heart.
K. 265: 12 Variations in C.
-- "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"~
K. 298: Flute Quartet in A.
-- 1st movement. The "perfect flow".
K. 331: Piano Sonata No. 11 in A.
-- 3rd movement. "Turkish March" that anyone who listens to classical music should know.
K. 455: 10 variationen in G.
-- A variation again. The same piece of melody can indeed do magic!
K. 492: Le Nozze di Figaro.
-- Super good for relax, of both story and the all-but-2-in-major composition. My special love: Overture, Bartolo's "La vendetta", sextet: "Riconosci in questo amplesso una madre", and the end of Act III.
K. 525: Serenade in G, "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik".
-- A piece that people who don't even listen to classical music should know.
K. 527: Don Giovanni.
-- Good for relax, although the flow of story is a little weaker compare to Figaro, I can loop this opera time by time. My special love: Donna Elvira's first aria, and the scene in front of the statue (Leporello is so funny).
K. 545: Piano Sonata No. 16 in C.
-- 1st movement. Just adorable.
K. 550: Symphony No. 40 in g.
-- Minor is especially beautiful, introversively. Solely look at the number is astonishing enough. If my memory is correct, for quite long, there was no composer had more than 9 symphonies... (off-topic!)
K. 620: Die Zauberflöte.
-- To be honest, the story itself irritates me. Tamino x Pamina made most annoying couple ever of my head (don't ask me why). But the music... both arias of Queen of the Night are the shining gems that keep me thinking "it's opera seria!!".
K. 626: Requiem.
-- Who else could make a requiem as sweet as this one? Due to an "accident", Lacrimosa stands out to be my my No. 1 piece of this work.
Another reason made me writing this post so late was:
Since last November, I finally made it!
I myself tend to use HTML more than MS WORD, so it's always a headache when the final write-up is to be well formatted and printed. It's rather a disaster if you have references. So a few days ago, when I eventually couldn't endure any more of such formatting mess, I started to look for modules that can convert html/xml to word.
There are such things, but unfortunately, none of what I found fits what I need exactly. Then again I felt so good about learning that. As what the author wrote "when there is nothing suits your need, you can just write by yourself."

That's so true! -- Well, that's time consuming as well. Last night I spent around 5 hours to parse and convert <table> tag properly with processing colspan and rowspan... and tonight, I finally finished up all basic tags (the ones I use most often). Version 0.1.0 is here and to be debugged! So lemme call it a day! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
(My head hurts due to extended Monday Tuesday Syndrome.. ^^;)