音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ Even_The_Nutcracker_Fails/.

Nothing is 100% perfect. Owning a nutcracker doesn't necessarily mean you can break any nut by your hand. Which I'm saying my recent status. Either Mozart or Akiko, I can just loop.
...and loop and loop...
Well, before I spend more space to talk about my looping madness, lemme bring here something else very briefly.
Since early last week, I was trying to train Mr. Camel. I wanted him to deliver emails in cmd.exe or termal. And on this Friday, I made it with my penguin. Good, then I turned to focus on tweaking with Ms. Harvestasya, and then all the trouble raised like flood. I've tried at least 5 different modules, yet I all got the same (I assume) result: Failed to connect to SMTP--How the hell this could happen? °A°
But now I'm tired to continue this fight. At least PenOS works.
Ar Nosurge's two song albums have been released a while ago. Kenji Kawaii's composing made the biggest surprise (and Kenji's stuff is his, no matter that's Akiko or anyone else singing). When listened to them at first, I was a bit depressed--Haruka and Noriko had too few songs!! ~_~
Frankly, most songs are good. Just I have to complain regarding quite a lot of the song titles.
I've noticed the naming pattern of both Ar Tonelico and CielNosurge long time ago. But I never realised that the C.N. song names are so Perl! Since I ever did a simple search, and in the range of my knowing languages, only Perl matches the style the most.
So I made these dummy files last week:

(By the way, you might already notice that my playlists are matching the Black Syndicate in Detective Conan :3)
Right, back to the complaint itself. I've never seen SO MANY stupid song names in batch! I'll make a list here. Not mentioning those cryptic combination of text of course.
  • Hidra Heteromycin - what kind of antibiotic it can be....
  • Class::DISTLLISTA; - so Haruka's task here is now an alchemist. lol
  • Class::EXSPHERE_NOSURGE; - Noriko does love sphere. "Mindsphere"<
  • Hymmn::TSUNDE_RAIN; - we all know that's really saying "tsundere".
  • Class::XIO_PROCEED; - reminds me CPU or this sort.
  • -K - A NICE FLAG! what does it do?
  • Hymmn::SEXY_METAL_IDOL; - stupid enough.
  • Hymmn::I_HAVE_NO_ROYALTY_INCOME; - NOTHING can be more stupid...
  • Hymmn::7TH_APOCALYPSE; - module names can't begin with a digit. syntax error!
And that's NOT all!
I was trying to find a chance to play (or loop) both albums for more times, but currently, I got addicted to "Class::CIEL_NOSURGE;"--without knowing what she's actually singing! I'm so glad to hear Akiko's other traditional Japanese styled arrangement since her last piece "Hiraitesanze". Similarly, I spent in total of 11 hours during the weekend to visualise my "melodic reflection" toward this song. Now it's 98% finished, I just need a title for it. Hope I can find one in next a few days (before my heart cools down to talk more here). After looping this song for 100+ times, now I'm in a super Ojou-sama mode. So call me Ojou from now on!! xD
Finally, a piece of real life memory.
In last week's teaching, I've encountered the dumbest question.
Me (reading the question): "For a restriction enzyme, does it cut your DNA strand into bigger or smaller pieces?"
(and I paused for 2 seconds.)
Me (continued quietly, unsatisfied): "It's a dumb question."
Me (looked at my students): "Smaller. Any questions?"
Me (paused for another 2 seconds): "Alright, next question."
Dumb enougb. Even a person who doesn't know what a restriction enzyme is can answer this question. u_u