音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❆ Don't guess, it's of Mozart

I've been feeling that something was wrong since my last post, and in this morning, I finally realised what that is:
My first drawn male was not Garry, but the Pyramid Head (a 5-min scribble though => doesn't count ^^;).
Yet today's post isn't about male-drawing or the Pyramid Head...
My another sweet 13-hour fight against neck-ache.


Pixiv | deviantART
The vague idea raised a few weeks ago, when I scribbled randomly. But the first version of draft was not satisfying enough, so I merely adopted the idea but re-drafted the characters (those 1st ver. drafts are in my recycle bin and will probably be emptied soon, although I'd say all my drafts are just look horrible and nothing but messy. I do believe no one else could extract real outlines from it for digital processing).
Trio. Although at first I also thought about quartet or even bigger scale (not to that of an orchestra though), trio would be the best choice since it matches to.. something related to the characters but I'm not gonna say what it exactly is (and sorry, one of them was even excluded from my Koiseyo Otome in February, so this time I brought her back).
Just let me continue, originally it was supposed to be under the theme of Easter, accompanied by bunnies and eggs and placed in a green forest or this sort as the background. Also because of it, I at first was trying dress them up in traditional European style, but somehow, I had no idea why, the final costumes turned to be a rather more freely drawn and coloured.
But you know what, after spending ~13 hours (20:00-26:00 yesterday, 12:30-19:00 today and I had lots of trouble to draw a grand piano or a violin/cello bow properly ><), I didn't feel like to draw any more extra stuff. Indeed, what I really felt was that there was nowhere for even a single egg.. to place them, even well-arranged, would just make the whole piece way too funny. So I gave up for making anything special for Easter (well, it's actually snowing outside, so I'm not in an Easter mode at all xD).
Then, yet I was still responsible for assigning a background. Without bunnies and eggs, a forest-based view might look too complicated--I mean, I've been seeking online for some rose garden shots, but none of them would fit in here and they're hard to deal with in terms of modification and integration. A simple design was not a bad idea, so I transferred from a real photo to more abstract stuff: rose petals.
Abstract(-ish) style made things easier. A few PS filters solved everything. I was trying to recall the image colour when I listen to Mozart's trios (why? see below), but to match my chosen rose petals, I ended up with a strawberry-flavoured red stain (which indeed does matches Mozart's image, and it tastes just good as strawberry icecream~~ but NO, the background blurred red petals are NOT strawberry for sure!!). Right, almost forgot to mention, while adding the title--which should be just "Trio"--I changed my mind a little bit to add more text. It would be fun to mention someone who composed trios for piano+violin+cello as a part of the title, so of course, Mozart was my No. 1 candidate and I never ever thought about others' works (I really want to say when I finished the drafts, the Mozart flag had been confirmed).
Thanks to that, I now get addicted to his K502 the first movement...
Thus I got Mozart and a "delicious" colour. Then the thing became to how to arrange these elements: characters, background-makeups and text. In this case, there's no other place but the top-left area for the title text, but how exactly? At first I tried to put the word "Mozartian" as a mirror-reflection to "Klaviertrio" (my honour to Austrian/German composers: using German in the title). But it just didn't work out (the final view looked weird). So then I decided to mention actual trios' titles, which were what showing in the final version and thus the word "Klaviertrio" became "Klaviertrios". Later, I realised the Mozart's name apparently should be appearing together with these works or people (with no knowledge to recognise the K### style) would not know whom I'm referring, I went through a few DVD covers (at that moment I was already feeling like I was making a cover art for a DVD release). And Yes, I was almost to drag the "Deutsche Grammophon" logo (or make a parody) here to get it more DVD-cover like! xDD <<< but I didn't, you see. (Too bad that I didn't dare to make fun of my favourite classical label.. ^^;)
↓And that's it. Now, time to sync my foobar2000 with my desktop~!

so sleepy.. ~_~

Gute Nacht!!