音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✽ I'm Valid for Mother's Day, Complaints?

Ideas just burst without giving you much time to prepare ahead, which explains why I should be counted as valid for enjoying Mother's Day".
I wasn't planning to do any drawing for this Sunday. So, blame Noriko who flamed up my spirit! -- I've been with Mozart for such a long time so this morning I felt so nostalgic while playing her songs again~ °w°
My point (?) is that I fell in love with that song at the very first listening, and since then, shapes and colour patches were turning in my head. But I couldn't fetch them to detail. Once, if I remember correctly, I got a draft with that song--for some reason I forgot I didn't "give it life" (I suppose that draft is gone forever).
Anyway, I believe I'm doomed to reach "something" with that song, and today it was the time.

Do you smell some aura like that of a magical study/library? (σ・∀・)σ
Next tasks:
- Find out some text to fill into the blank pages, also a title for the cover page. What I should use then? Considering the entire setting, Shakespeare is good, although personally I don't like his stuff too much (mainly the trauma from Silent Hill 3 but I'm not switching the topic now) except "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (thanks to Mendelssoh :3)--that can be the title. As for the text, what about Arthur Conan Doyle?? Even though I'm now doing this sort of cosplay~~ =w=
- Do the make-up, blend a background. Two choices so far: Taishou Style and Magical Fantasy. Basically, the former is merely a nostalgic study, and the latter is more like the aura I've mentioned earlier. Yet the former is supposed to be preferred since that's also of the song that I got inspired by.
... Almost forgot, the song, right, I haven't brought its title clearly.
"Kinema Mosaic" <<< You've probably read it of my fb2k OSD at the top right corner of that screen shot (I left it there on purpose, you see).
And last, right, the time.. I spent 7 hours up to this point, not including the very first drafting time (more surprisingly Photoshop didn't lag at all, thanks to windows 8.1 (?) and hope it's not just by chance!).