音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ 3 Happy Weeks in June

I was supposed to finish this quick post last night (this early morning) but I fell asleep~ wwww
"I have no interest in business." -- "That's why you're in science."
This conversation happened yesterday, when we finished the last session of the "end-up-to-do-the-same-task-1k-times" (scripting) class. Although for lots of things in that class I've already known, such as how to tame a camel, or how to sing out the magic spell of regex, the rest was really very helpful and activated more shining sparkles in my brain. Now I'll at least know where I'm going next time when I get lost. Of course, I'm not a FBI hacker (I wish I were), so I'm not doing things that's hard to figure out. Although I wish there were more about how to tame a penguin, guess I shouldn't ask for too much.
Since last year, I do believe my logic has changed a lot, which helped a lot to follow easily in that class. I myself would assume I don't really need to take it, but I won't tell I took it because it almost means an automatic "A" -- I know it's not correct because one guy dropped half way. Anyway, that was indeed three happy weeks. Yet again, I'd say it's such a nice thing to learn how to manage the best swiss army knife on one line. Meanwhile, outside of the class, I finally figured out an acceptable way to save money & time from EndNote (have never bought and never tried though) and Word Reference, which I once stalled in the end of last year. Plain text, sometimes with simple markups, solves everything for me (and people who have similar logic to mine).

Penguin is hard to tame indeed. I've spent the whole night yesterday to try to install XML::Simple, but I kept getting the same test failure. Same for R. I sudo-apt-get-ed this or that, and then got a new error after every step. This morning, I tried around again, and sudo-cpan-ed to make a upgrade (not sure if that worked though). Afterwards, "I know I'd get the error again but I just want to type it".

--->>> install XML::Simple.

and like a magic, I got it.

I feel surprised, released, but not happy. I know I'm becoming much more complicated.
I also know I've been spoiled too much by the pretty and adorable Strawberry. ~_~
Yet originally I was planning to write other things--3 days ago.
This week's greatest news:
Penguin Village now has its own opera house~~
---> Opera finally came to Linux as Developer version!
(I really feel like I'll lose my intelligence if I keep watching that anime... ^^;)
So finally I can say goodbye to chrome for pages that Opera 12.16 can't deal with smoothly. (Maybe the only google product I don't like so far is chrome.) And now the next wish is that they could solve the data sync so I don't have to copy back and forth to keep all have the same settings.
Now, I wonder, when we can have gdrive on PenOS? Hope they haven't forgot (or given up) on that~~
Life updates:
I should have spent more time to play with my daughter! Although promised I'd get some new toys for her since last year, I still haven't made it~~~ I didn't mean to neglect her, and I love her. The fact couldn't be changed, but at least the pile of things are decreasing little by little. I know I'll eventually do what I've promised, just not now now. だから、ここで一応謝罪します~ ( ´ω`)♪
Side complaint:
I just don't understand why every of our summer student are so slow to understand something. To have time explain things to them, I'd finish the task on my own!! ><
And at the very last of this post,
Thank you very much and all the best in Austria, J.S.!~