音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ Ar Tonelico playing thoughts

People's mind always changes, so does mine.
I thought I would never play more RPG's, but as the super sweet and most romantic August passed, I finally got trapped in the world of Ar Tonelico.
Music is the main dish of this series, I'm much more excited when a familiar hymmnos comes out. However, in [1], songs of hymmnos are less impressive in game, except PAJA. Apparently I was less impressed compared to [2], which has a more perfect unification (maybe I should use "synchronity") between the game itself and music. I was very happy with SUBLIMATION series during the final boss battle. It was a completely different experience from listening to those songs separately. Then, REPLEKIA is another shinning star (although I regretted miss-activating it during the DESPEDIA battle... ><). Surprisingly I did get all the 100 I.P.Ds~!
I played [1] and [2] in a row, and I like the graphics in [1] a lot (don't understand why most people dislike the pixel art). So it did take some time for me to get used to the overall graphic rendering in [2]. Regardless of the kinda weird pixel characters in [2], the song magic scenes are much better made. Here, I'd say I was glad to choose Croche at the end of Phase I--Her Lolipop Sweets is now my favourite choice!

Now about the story. In [1], because I don't like Misya (really), I was with Orica all the time (her "BOE" is awesome). In [2], I guess most people who have played [1] would go with Jakuri (reason 1)! Reason 2, tsundere is never my love, and I don't like dorodere either. Reason 3, I can't refuse straight, long and black hair.. ._.
and reason 4, I love her face while saying "what a useless man"! xD

↓ the most superb conversation.

Probably the only other person who can be compared to her is Infel, as I love her puns.
↓ I believe Croche has been more or less affected~

Anyway, Croche's REPLEKIA+Lolipop and Jakuri's charming personality altogether have pushed Luca out of my heart--I haven't even used her since Jakuri's join, only Croche+Jakuri over and over.. xD;;
Last, I'd never know there's an "unreleased" song in A.T.2 until I actually played it. (The version in Harmonia pamphlet is toooo short so I extracted a longer looping version from the game -_-'').
P.S. Some people say one's personality can be inferred from character and route choices, so in my case,
A.T.1 permanent party: Lyner+Radolf+Ayatane+Orica;
A.T.2 permanent party: Croah+Shun+Jakuri+Croche.

What? I didn't mention A.T.3 at all?
――あんなエロゲー、遊ぶことはないでしょ?! (# ゚Д゚)