音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ 全然バイオ理解していない私――R.I.P. Raccoon City

From the end of June to the end of September, I finally cleared biohazard 3, total time in record = 7H 3x M.. (# ゚Д゚) ムッカー
If taking account of the time when I got lost, the total time might be over 10 hours.
Not surprising as I could spent 16 hours + for Silent Hill series.
As usual a pile of new images, which explain things better than plain text~

Bear?! (I'm not here for fun!)

Pipe... biohazard are you attempting to rob the symbolic weapon in Silent Hill??

Fine, it's not a weapon..

Alfred Cornes... who is that? ._.

This ugly boss got me 4 times! °A°

The most tiresome riddle in this game. =__=

After the "battle-for-card-key", my status (consumed ~26 acid rounds + ~10 mine thrower). But right when I was running out of ammo, I suddenly realised I was supposed to use... something I don't know the name, to weaken it (tera-gorilla). <<< I know I don't really understand biohazard at all. (and the result was more cost in ammo).
Yet, amazingly I didn't die and I made it when there were only 7 seconds left (even got lost where the card key was and I almost gave up)! lol
Too bad I didn't make to capture the exciting moment.

Something interesting is now on top right...

So this is the "minister" in biohazard2?

Rocket Launcher!! (but in the first time play I didn't use it. ^^;) So in bio3 it's not like I get it from someone, and get rid of the last boss with one hit only.
...which means...↓

the last boss has to be dealed with something else... I don't know what it exactly is (missed the final top secret file) but it looks so cool!

By the way, like I said last time, in heavy mode, instead of collecting herbs I made this beautiful collection: First Aid Spray x 10.

First choice of course! Only this is qualified to be a s.t.a.r.s.!

Why in game Jill holds the magnum with both hands? ( ̄д ̄)エー
The fabulous ending.

"It's (the missile) here."

Over the clock tower.

Over the city.

"We gotta go."

Missile finally arrives.

The end of Raccoon City.

R.I.P. for the 100k lives.
(Biohazard now graduates from the Raccoon City area.)

There are 8 slots for such after stories... so I have to clear this game for 8 times? (not really a big deal but not very soon. :3)
Now look at the date. September 28th. The same day when Jill starts her last escape! And toward the very end, I finally knew the real name of that tera-gorilla, Nemesis. He is indeed like the "minister" in bio2, who drops items after being temporarily killed. But he's so fast and I'm still not good at dodge moves. <<< I know I don't really understand biohazard at all.
and somehow I more care about how Carlos made to the helicopter. They should make another route for Carlos like bio2's B side! (*´∀`)
As my next target is Silent Hill 4 (eventually I'm going back to SH)!