音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✿ Pile-Up Digestion

(So many things happened recently that I couldn't find a single slot to write something!)

This or that loose ends

  1. my MP decreased like mad 2 weeks ago due to that I had to grade piles of lab reports (while the greatest moment is to assign a 0, which in return increased my MP a little bit ^^;).
  2. my HP decreased moderately 1 week ago due to ... some reason I didn't know. My left eye suddenly striked and I had to poi-jun myself in order to make it happy. The potion I got contains "Conium maculatum", and you're not supposed to use it for more than 72 hours. So I wondered what will happen if injecting this into someone's body.... I know my mind is losing control... (;´∀`)
  3. yet my inner dark soul was already nuclear-powered due to Psycho-Pass 2. The Psycho-Pass without Ishida and the old man. But since Yayoi is adorable I'll accept it and keep following. My little wish here is Ginoza could put on his glasses back (it can't be helped that I love men with glasses! ><). Finally, at the end of season I, I thought HaruMika Shimotsuki would be a new shinning star, but in season II, if she falls off quick (or get Uro-butchered), I won't mind. :3
Seems it has become my habit: to start something completely off from what I'm supposed to write. However, since there're lots of things got accumulated it would be better if I continue being off-topic here and correct my orbit next time.

Fate/Stay Night -- Shiro go away! °д°

It's snowing outside. Following my logic, it'd be perfect if I go with some "snowy" music (more exactly, Mozart's K617 part II). But since I just started watching the newest Fate Stay Night, I decided to spend my evening with Kenji Kawai's NHK release vol 3.
Speaking of Fate, Kenji Kawai is the first name comes into my mind. So I was quite disappointed during Fate Zero (yet I somehow "loved the Ishida character"), while now I've decided I won't bother any more. Although the good thing is I can save some of my disk space for the OST, I still want to say:
I miss Kenji's timpani!!
By the way, before when I was doing Ar Tonelico III, I kept getting confused between Aoto and Emiya, but now, I couldn't stop seeing illusion of Aoto while hearing Emiya speaking! lol
-- Ayako Kawasumi's voice is so clear and lovely~ seeing she staying with the useless Shiro makes me angry..

Shadow Hearts may win Silent Hill in terms of how ugly the monsters are

I was doing Silent Hill Zero, but recently, I realised my interest in this specific game was decreasing. It's not because SH0 was developed by a different group of people, I just couldn't get used to the reversed X and O buttons and there's no option to change it, e.g. use extra health drinks, or lost control during battles (I know my Agi. is not high! ~_~)
I might leave SH0 in future, but now I need some break. So I switched to "Shadow Hearts". The only thing I knew about the game before playing was Yoshitaka Hirota and Akiko Shikata and nothing else. But since a lot of people said that's a good game which made a reason for me to have a try.
You are allowed to name the party members, which was fun, and confusing afterwards when you read others' comments/guides/etc. (like, "is there a character with this name!?" ^^;).
My party members:
  • The "dark" guy: いつき (Itsuki from Siren 2)
  • The "light" girl: カナエ (Kanae from Siren 2)
  • The "fire" sorcerer: 百目鬼遥 (Doumeki Haruka from xxxHOLiC -- the other type of the kanji "haruka" wasn't available in game so I used this one...)
  • The "water" spy: Yuuko (Ichihara Yuuko from xxxHOLiC -- and for some reason I didn't use kanji)
  • The "earth" vampire: ルイス・セラ (Luis Sera from biohazard 4)
  • The "wind" boy: ベン (Ben Bertolucci from biohazard 2)
Great, 3 pairs = 6 characters from two horror games and one not-a-horror anime!
Meanwhile, there're quite a lot of spots that you can poke in, how the staff named the characters and some monsters, some "stupid" conversations, some special "motions" of a few skills (I mean Maiki's "the death game" -_-''), and the from-fantasy-to-SF story transition. The story was indeed good, but the gameplay experience wasn't that pleasant. First, I basically fail at the hitting-area battle system (again I'm aware of my Agi is low!), and I especially hate the charging-ring (don't remember what that's called in game) that usually make me retry for 3-5 times. Second, for the cutscenes, the BGM volume is too loud and voices are too low where there's no subtitle so I sometimes had no idea what's going on (at least they should make a movie gallery so I can reply)...
Also, the monsters are so ugly and disgusting (including Itsuki's own fusion monsters, turning me speechless). If let me choose which is more unpleasant between monsters from Shadow Hearts and Silent Hill (both can be shortened to S.H.!), I'd say the former. In Silent Hill, it's always so dark that you don't really know how the monsters look like, and you may not have the time to look at them since no one wants to get killed while staring at them. Whereas in case of Shadow Hearts, during your turn you'll have enough time to observe them or even sketch them if desired...
It's my habit to use the same file while saving as what I do in survival horror. Obviously I completely forgot it's a RPG, which you might resume at any point, so all my saves went to the same file. I did hard to clear this game, and I got the bad end. Fine, as I don't like to leave a game until I see the good/true end. So I'll do it again, with a complete guide, from the very beginning -- I just told how I made the saves... >///<
It's getting long (as I expected) so I'll 'last;' for now and resume tomorrow (or during this weekend). Finally I can work on my next draft (done 2 weeks ago)!~