音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ "biohazard 4/5" one pack?

Biohazard 4+ aren't horror games -- regardless I still love them.
But, I'm always thinking, is it really okay let us below average players control those super heroes like Leon or Chris?
↓ I'm sorry Leon! (;´∀`)
The fact is, I'm so bad at those pop-up commands during a cutscene. I just wanted to focus on watching the high quality 3D movies! Especially in bio5, such commands were so small. Who could catch up everything while aiming at a boss? ~_~
Bio4 indeed had more fun in terms of 1) the mishearing →う◯こだ捨てろう!!www, 2) Leon's sense of humour, 3) Ada (both her parts in the main story and extra contents) was so cool, 4) this moment (bio5 has a similar scene, but lacks an overview shot):

and 5) the weapon merchant. :3
Plus, as of the gaming system, the AI in bio5 was too stupid, the commands flashed too quick and tricky, there's no the classical typewriter so players can save and resume freely, the item slot was hard to get used to, and I'd prefer a Chris with less muscle -- his "warrior" costume looks like a delinquent! ^^;.
However, the temple in bio5 was my top 1 stage, using arrow keys to switch weapons was convenient, and its extra contents were great as well. I loved the 3-years-ago stage much more than the main story. As a horror game, a mansion is definitely better than an open place in Africa. "Desperate Escape" was good too, which made me retrying again and again due to the chainsaw+Gatling+ax fest.
↓ It's the world-famous 「かゆいうま」!! I never thought I could see it again here!
Currently, I've done Bio1/2/3/Veronica/4/5, so can I call myself a veteran in this series (although I fail a lot)? (´・ω・`)
↓ A list of bio's favourites I've noticed. No special point of mentioning it, just for fun.
  • crank
  • pushing various objects
  • helicopter crash
  • countdown battle/escape
  • jump scare made by glass break + huge sound
  • an invincible final boss + rocket launcher (or other ultimate weapons)'s finish blow
Finally, one more thing,
"Shotgun is MAI WAIFU!! ♥"