音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ "Progressive"

So strange. Even I can't recall any phrase of this Kalafina song, this was the very title popped up in my mind for the later block.
Timpani simply make me happy, either from Mozart's "Voi signor, che giusto siete" or Kawai Kenji's "Hanamoyu Main Theme". While the latter is my newest refresher. Although, in my case, as long as I have plenty of Kenji's gorgeous timpani, I don't really care about who does the vocal. It features a special person and it's really "fun" to see these two names being together again. I did hesitate while editing my cue sheet, but just like what I said, I'd go with Kenji this time even that's Akiko doing the back voice. However, let me be picky as well, the only drawback is this track is too short. I want to enjoy Kenji's timpani their collaboration longer!
--Too much strikethrough? It can't be helped! I can't give in Kenji's orchestra + chorus arrangement, it's way too impressive to let me go with Akiko. What can I do? (´・_・`)
Speaking of Mozart, music arrangement for the scene when the Count lifts the dress that covers Cherubino is... so marvellous! Also, the final choruses of his the most three famous operas are all so loop-able! =ω=
Time for some pre-liner notes~
Yes, let me collect the flag: My daughters are the prettiest! (>ω<)
I spent a while to doodle the initial draft, which I don't know how long exactly it cost.
--No, the only person who can view (and understand how to make use of) my scribbling draft is myself.

~8 hours to make the entire outline. Here I was in another Mozart mood. The harpsichord was driving me crazy, in terms of its spelling (I kept spelling as "harpischord"..) and its appearance (you know the doodle doesn't have to be detailed)! At first I considered using AI to make it, but the lines would look too straight to go smoothly with parts. Moreover, I did ignored some fine details: how I should draw the keyboards, and where exactly I should place her fingers -- actually I don't know the answer, and I'm not aiming for accuracy anyway.

~4 hours to play around with paint bucket. The most fun part was to assign colours to the dress. Initially I tried some bright and lovely colours, but eventually fixed my mind with the somehow "formal" black+red combination. Also, I omitted the bows, since I'm lazy. orz My Mozart mood still lingers. -- By the way, the score is Mozart's K.545 ( ´∀`)ノ

~2 hours to do the shadows and other edits. A hidden theme of this drawing was designed to be "feathers", so I spent quite a lot of time to deal with their hairpins. Hope they don't look unbalanced (at least I don't think so). No screen shot for my fb2k, but I was listening to "Le Nozze di Figaro" (which was why it was mentioned at the very beginning).
Apparently no more time tonight for me to do the final make up (unless I have a day off tomorrow). I'll leave it to next week. At current moment, I myself don't know how it will look like! Maybe this time I should attach a DG label and create a just-for-fun CD jacket!
I can not do any of them, so at least let my daughter do them for me. Ahhh, now I understand the feeling of being a parent! (ノ´∀`*) These three girls changed the most since last year. One had a haircut, one had a hair-dye, and one changed the fringe style.