音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ Royce NAMA Chocolate

I got a present from a friend of mine of Chocolate named Royce NAMA. I'm very happy because I love chocolate.
"The mellow aroma
as the box be opend,
You can feel the luxury
from all a grain,
also the feeling like silk."
There is a poem printed on the box. Indeed, the chocolate has more aroma than sweetness. I could feel the aroma of the coffee grain permeating from my tongue to the rest part of my body, and to my heart, too. I could also enjoy the lasting teast, just like I enjoy the lasting of music. It's wonderful. Though I've eaten a lot of chocolate, NAMA seems to be the best. Is it my own mysterious on chocolate? Or the charm of the chocolate?
The NAMA Chocolate came from Hokkadou. Although I have never been to Hokkadou, the chocolate brought the place here to me: that delicate aroma, that silky taste, that bit of bitter-sweetness. Very nice. One thing come from one region, as I thought.
The chocolate reminds me of Valentine's Day, and Royce NAMA makes an wxcellent gift.