音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

☆ I Found You♪

KOKIA just melts my hearts unconditionally~♥
"I Found You".
Since "Where to go my love?" two years ago, finally another new album released on March 18th (today).
My copy won't be delievered until next month, it's all Noriko's fault!! but I believe it's okay for me to get someone's rip for now--I can't wait, can't.
"Delicious melody" is the motif, which is also what I often imagine about music. I tend to say "this piece is delicious" when I find it's actually beautiful. Although somehow affected by Amano Tooko, I think I've completely accepted such a relationship. Good music has great tastes. This time, I'm really happy that this appears in KOKIA's release -- we see things in a similar way.
The entire album gives me a fresh sweet image, especially of various fruits (perhaps the CD jacket somehow led me there). From the first chord, soft, smooth and lovely. That's the KOKIA style that I'm so familiar with, full of peace, love and prayer. The world is then tinted with the prettiest harmonious colours. Everything is so beautiful and pure. With music, leave all my thoughts outside. Simply let my mind drifting with it, feel the gentle touch. While I immerse myself in the resonating ocean of sound, smile, in the next moment, my eyes have been misted by tears of bliss...
Unconditionally, KOKIA oscillates the my emotion-meter stronger than anything else.
Meanwhile, I have to say colours triggers my othse senses, including the feeling of taste. So instead of making this post a review, I tried to match each song with one or more image colours (which is also how I play with my girls ^^).
1. Family Tree
Brown to orange. // Moderate pace, warm and rich chrous. A very KOKIA-ish opening song to an album!

2. おいしい音 yum yum music
Light shaded rainbow combination. // Quickly the motif is introduced: music can be "delicious".

3. Recover
Transparent powder blue-purple-pink. // Mainly affected by the background sound effect, while the song itself is vibrating as if shedding some magic dust.

4. Solace ~記憶の森に積もる絵画
Deep forest green and night blue. // My favourite No.1. This song kind of gives me a similar feeling to Shikata Akiko's "化石の楽園 (Kaseki no Rakuen)", while the latter is closer to a faded grey blue.

5. オギャーと産まれて
Grass green and golden. // A song of hope.

6. I Found the Love
Pure pink to ruby red. // My favourite No.2. Earlier I was indicating this one made me in tears of bliss.<3

7. Make Sense
Sky blue. // I can feel the sweet scent of the earth after a light rain.

8. Dear Armstrong
Afterglow red to purple // But... sorry I have no idea about Armstrong... >_< so would you like to make a cover album of him in future? :3

9. I Found You
Milky white with various pale hues: pink, blue, and green. // Try to say the title in another way: 「あなたを見つけた」. How adorable! <3

10. 旅列車 life train
Bright orange. // Cherish every encounter in our life, and thus people change from strangers to close friends.

11. 無力と知った日
Ocean blue. // Getting to the end (in normal edition it's the end), a slow and a bit sorrowful song.

12. Spirits
Dark orange-red (perfect if with flowing clouds). // It's for a RPG, so why Ito Masumi isn't the arranger! -- never mind, it's a "delicious" song any way.
Alright, after the delicious KOKIA new release, now I'm gonna dumping a lot of complaints regarding to what I'm working on recently.
You may have the ability to create a better one, but if you've found some that are ready to use, don't bother to waste time starting over. But, as non pro-programmers, none of the solutions I found are perfect, not even easy to use.
Yet I believe to use those free stuff would be eventually more time-saving, so I had to swallow my pride as a camel-tamer perl programmer to explore into their source codes and try to fix this or that bugs/issues (in python that I don't love at all). As a result, things are fixed, but I was fairly irritated.
And I have to use both, because PAML doesn't deal with indels at most times, while laz was written to handle it.

1. laz creates soft links to actual files, but this isn't favoured by PAML, and thus PAML strikes.
→ solution: copy the files instead of making links.
2. (I assume) PyCogent's sequence loader thinks *.fasta is FASTA, yet *.fst isn't... it's just stupid.
→ solution: use *.fasta as the extension although I prefer the shorter 3-letter *.fst.
3. PAML doesn't like trees with bootstrap values, it thinks they are also species names.
→ solution: remove all bootstrap values before sending the tree to PAML
Another one. I even want to sue the author of this script:

I can still endure if you didn't use sprintf, but why the hell you didn't set up variables for all these paths with File::Spec?! °A°
...I really want to throw bricks to the people who distribute very imperfect codes, while more people use them to create even more imperfect codes. orz
Maybe an unrelated event. I was so happy to modify someone's twitter post fetcher javascript code. I didn't realise until this morning that twitter now converts some texts to their own emoji images without an option to opt-out! On their website, those images are small and it's still acceptable, but since I'm using a 3rd party API js file, those images appear super big, that rule my entire page.
It didn't take me too long to figure out where I need to tweak. Twitter recognise emoji-like char(s) and replace them to images, while adding "alt='xxx'" to refer to the original plain emoji text. So I just needed to extract the "alt", and remove all the rest inside of the <img>. Frankly, I can't even do the simplest "Hello World" with js, but after distinguishing between all the "{}" or "()" pairs, I eventually made it~( ´∀`)
My point here is, if the script is well organised, I bet even normal people can make the adaptation, but if everything is dead stiff, probably the original author(s) would fight with themselves in future to make modifications.
-- It's possible for people who don't understand biology to make perfect bio-programs, while not vice versa. =_=