音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ 1511 10586.104

This morning, I spent 5 minutes standing in front of a dog, staring at him calmly (I also assume he was friendly to me), and left peacefully while speaking to myself "I always know dogs aren't that cute at all".
but cats are different, regardless that's a kitten,
or an adult.
↑ enough for the old topic, I merely just wanted to show those pictures!

I missed it in last November!

In last year's some day, my LipAura suddenly resisted coming back from sleep, which made me force-shut-down for over 10 times and eventually it returned fine. So I didn't pay much attention.
But after shutting it down for 1 month and starting it again, at the beginning things were running, other than it's a bit slow. But quickly it turned to be a dead space, that nothing (except the mouse pointer) was moving. I decided to do a start up, and then had a "great" day.
Doing rebooting several of times, while it got stuck at either after the windows-is-starting-up screen, or right before bringing me to my desktop. Perhaps I've done so many brutal force-reboot, the system directed me to its light blue screen of "trouble shooting". Too bad I don't have a backup image, no restore point, even no system repair disk. Removing all mild solutions, I had only the last option to perform a system reset.
"At least I don't have anything important that isn't stored on EHD or online cloud. Maybe I shall go back to windows 8.1, as there's less tiresome issues based on my past experience (windows 10 has minor problem with its visual rendering for a few old programs, specially, AI x86 version; and the title bars aren't all-white)". The system reset took an hour, however, I wasn't fully convinced to go back to 8.1, considering I want the windows 10 licence for my future self-build computers when this laptop retires (very possibly won't happen in next 2 years). So that's my last try. If things were normal again, I'd stay on 10.
Therefore I started to rehabilitate LipAura, and the first thing was for sure to perform the system update. Not that many shown in list, but at the very end I saw Windows build some digits. "Could be the one I installed long time ago." Soon it said there's no enough disk space on C. While thinking it wasn't possible, I was surprised to see only 5GB was remaining free, followed by seeing "windows.old" like a curse. Fine, I don't like it, but I know how to handle it. Another short while after disk cleanup, the not-that-long update entered installation mode.
"Just don't go black screen with nothing but the mouse pointer." I prayed, and went to configure my first Surface 3, which replaced my old white VAIO and inherited its name "SilentHill" -- simply because I didn't want to bother making up a new name. With quite a few reboots, the good thing was there wasn't any black screen and startup-stuck. It might work this time, but was this really installing the same update as I thought? With a slight worry about the hack to display colour on active window's title bar could (not) be the reason, I went back to its default theme with all windows being snow white (yes, there's no user defined colours on the title bar of "settings").
I then checked for couple of times to make sure there's no more update, time to bring all software back. Now let me bring up the must-be-opened "cmd.exe" -- "Wait, I see a colour on its title bar. Something is wrong. Did my theme got messed up again?" In the following mass-clicks on various build-in themes, I was sort of assured the colour was from windows itself with no hack. So the MS staff listened to users' voice, good.
I might got a different update. I began to think.
However, the cmd windows was somehow off from my personal feeling. I went to its property and got it changed. I suddenly wanted to drag its window frame. "Hold on, I see it can stretch much longer than before, is that also due to resolution rendering issue?" I then double-clicked its title bar, with no special thinking. "Oh, it's now full screen like the Penguin's terminal."
-- Full screen?! O__O
Sadly I still couldn't believe what happened. I waited for my Surface 3 SilentHill to finish updating. Once it's done, I first checked its active title bar -- it had a colour. Then, the cmd window... Yes, full screen.
I finally believed, that I was doing a different update. Probably before it couldn't finish due to similar disk space reason, but I missed the warning somehow (since last November!).
Moreover, after connecting to a 1440x900 monitor (LipAura is 1920x1080). Before this update, there was black areas on top and bottom, but now, amazingly, it automatically adjusted to fix the extended screen to with its own resolution (although the black shows up when you take a full screen caption).
No more words (I've already put a lot here), I was for the first time fully satisfied by windows 10!

And my love for Surface 3

My mother gave me an ipad 2 last year, and I kept complaining for a year about how useless it is. Slow, small, heavy, rubbish camera, utterly out of attraction. However I didn't buy Sony's or any other company's android because I still felt even though android is better, it can't be any useful for me. Anyway, regular apps can be done on my phone (which isn't that possible for lots of cases as my phone's spec can't handle newer stuff). Speaking of a useful tablet, I couldn't think about any others but windows. Many people may dislike it, but I don't.
Eventually I bought it in last year's Christmas, while seeing amazon was giving it a $200 off discount with a free amazon-purchase limited wireless adaptor. I initially wanted to get the 64GB model but at last was more greedy and got the 128GB one -- No need for pro, or I'd just buy another laptop.
In every angle, I'm happy with this.
- Although I've heard many people saying without a pro, you can't change display language, I magically got Japanese installed. Could be because my MS account is already linked to a windows 10 pro (the one on LipAura) and thus the data got synced. Whatever the reason is, I have it.
- The most critical reason for me to love Surface. The machine itself is a tablet, but it runs exactly the same like on a regular computer. I can install my favourite stuff such as notepad++, opera and foobar2000, run "cmd" and "regedit" and Perl. Definitely no more hassle in finding a good and free app for this or that! The thing is, I don't even trust apps, a program being actually installed into the machine makes me feeling stable.
- It looks just pretty. With a fit-for-both-lying-and-standing-position 3:2 screen and a kickstand to save you money from buying an individual one.
- The pen, which I bought separately from Sony, made it more different than using your finger to take horrible looking notes on an ipad. Need not to say much here.
- Just as a record: This Surface came with a 1 year Office 365 subscription, so all in a sudden, I rocketed from 2003 into 2016 (in fact I use almost only Notepad++, so I don't really care about it)!
- No, I never say it's cheap, but still cheaper than a expensive-yet-stupid ipad.
I'm an Apple-hater, complaints? xD
Up to here it's too long already. More accumulated stuff pouring out in next post!