音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ にゃこ・The Cat

In front of our dormitory, there is always a cat.
I can often see him since March. I thought him might passed by there at first, but at last I knew it was wrong, for I saw him sometimes and there was food on the floor in the past one week.
Did him practically lived here? I have to doubt so though I didn’t want to doubt it. Because, when I go and back, I hardly not to see him there.
In the dormitory, everyone all like him. We give him food, touch his soft fur, or stopped our pace to gaze him in fun. Also, he not seemed to afraid any of us, he keeps tranquil no matter whoever stay beside him. Sometimes, he too sitting under the bench in the building, watching us come and go. Here, a docile thing.
However, he also have shortcomings. He is too fat and lazy! In the morning, noon or afternoon, I almost can see him on the flat or on the grass where beside, sitting or sleeping all the way. Also yesterday, I saw that fat-meat-ball on the grass. He seemed sleeping all the day. “Oh, are you still sleeping?” he must become fatter and fatter without any sport like now.
He is lazy too. Recently, a friend of mine put a paper cup on his head to give him a joker. And, do you know what happened! Got on his front feet, moved side about some centimeters, and sat down again. That’s all! We all silent for what he did. Sure enough, he’s too lazy!
But, it’s fact that we all like him. Every time we pass by there, all stopping and searching for him. If he is there, a light laugh and go. When we are in leisure, we sitting on the bench, touching him happily. And he, like his always does, stay with us docile.
He had fitted smoothly into our life, don’t him?
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