音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✿ RPG kai = SLG?

Although I was planning to post something 2 weeks ago, it got delayed as usual and now I've forgot what I initially wanted to write.
And the main reason for this delay is...

I was deep in "KanColle Kai" and finally made my first game clear on last night. -- The ending "report" looks cool, but too bad the game doesn't generate a log file afterwards.
l knew it from a YouTube game streamer, but wasn't that interested as both the IP issue and my belief-in-that-an-online-game-never-ends. I'm happy to see it's out on PSV so l can really have a try.
Of course, l have no idea on what kind of game it is, and I normally treated it as a RPG since there're battle and level-up. "A RPG shouldn't be that impossible to clear on hard", so ignoring the recommended easy mode for new people, l first chose hard. "Even in Re-Bio, I made it to the end of the real survival mode".
But the truth was, I was wrong and it's actually a SLG that I have zero experience. Thus l gave up and switched to easy 2 days after.
Regardless, l don't care about SLG or strategy or whatever, I just want to be Moe-d. To me, it's more like a "Yuri" game. -- Well, I'm not to explain why. Just 2 hints: 近代化改修 and ケッコンカッコウカリ.
↓ My favourite character.

Hibiki Kai 2 -- I can't type her current name as it's in Russian.
Haruna is the following, almost at the same degree, she can't be top 1 as she isn't a loli.
The last line in this topic: submarines are the most annoying!
A few days ago, I saw a 5-star rated PV in the PSN store. The thumbnail was almost all in black, which reminded me "LIMBO" immediately. I got curious and quickly found the publisher is...
Nippon-Ichi, the one who created Yomawari and htoL#NiQ!
Taking a closer read, it's so much like the latter. Just the overall tone isn't that green-as-spring anymore.
Thus this one will be "The Red and The Black" version of htoL#NiQ~

The PV's BGM is good too, a bit less than Yomawari though -- why they didn't post the composer's name anywhere?!
I'm also looking forward how DARK this one will be (So far the PV doesn't look bright at all)!

Sleeping at such a place, Mei-chan you want to be stepped?! xD;