音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ 1++ year of time lag

"Akatsuki" is such an exciting song! I've been looping it over these days and figured out its main melody -- I'm so used to Akiko's modulation but still happy with that it's mostly in the 2-flat g minor (with the rest with 6 sharps, the same as COSMOFLIPS!).
-- I clarify I suddenly liked this song so much isn't because I'm playing too much KanColle!
As I suddenly got a strong impulse to learn Norsk, I would like to at least swallow the most important points in German. Really I was nearly "permanently" pausing it for years, but I decided to resume taking this chance with interest in Norsk, and must believe this time I can make it through.
However, flipping over die Vokabeln in my Deutsch book, I DON'T EVEN BELIEVE I KNOW SO MANY WORDS IN ENGLISH!!! lol
Yet, perhaps the biggest happiness recently in my warm-up overview, I eventually am able to spell "secretary" or "Sekretär"!! -- to make it simple, let me only use English here.
- Secretary = 秘書 = (literally) Secret + Write;
- Secretary -> "secret"."ary";
- so, the connection is obvious!
↑ and meanwhile I also got the idea why most programming languages use ";" as a separator. °ω°

Code name: Ribowest 2016

I mentioned I was going to somewhere hot last time, but fortunately, it wasn't that hot as I thought. The rather dry weather was the life saver. If it was humid I'd definitely die in the air of over 30 °C!
Overall it was great (would be even better if I didn't keep falling asleep during the compacted "lectures"). Although listening to others' focuses can indeed open your view, the best experience has to be talking to people who know what you're doing. So that I did gain quite a lot, thanks the guy whose name I failed to catch at the very moment, but I'll figure out later.. ^^;
The happiest moment was to know my poster got an award! While I have to say it here (as I assure none of my fellows knows the existence of this place), I really didn't put much effort to make it. I got the overall framework in a few minutes, organised detailed contents over one evening, then took more or less 3 hours to draw the figures, spent 1 hour and half to get this or that fixed in someone's favour, and finally wrapped up everything, exported into PDF, dumped it to Staples in front of my apartment, rolled up and never ever thought about it again until the very day. Frankly, I never cared.
But I was pleased of course~ :3
Beautiful sunset on our way home, taken at the highway near Lethbridge.