音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ 一年戦争が終わって

-- I got an intense impulse in my current project, so although I wanted to write this at Friday evening, I couldn't.
Mainly, it was because of the rain that lasted since Friday to Saturday. It has been a long time when there's such a great long-lasting rain. The air was sweet with the relaxing sound of rain, no much wind and it wasn't cold (it was if comparing to how days around midsummer are supposed to be), I felt I could stay outside all the time.
When it's cloudy or rainy, I always wish there's some Chopin -- unfortunately due to my past hard drive organisation I could only have some Tchaikovsky instead (of course it's good too!).
The rain gave me a superb mood, so I bought more weird teas:

Note that any kind of non-green teas is weird in my world~
-- simply being attracted by the key word "berry" though. Yet the red pack doesn't have any taste of chocolate! °A°''
Perhaps it's never exact, but at least more or less so let me call it my one year war, and happily, I eventually made the decision to shift into the third position. I knew I could do it a few months ago, but always couldn't find a good timing. Still, I didn't think it was the time when I should proceed, but just considering "give it a short attempt" being pushed by my curious, I stepped out and thus concluded the past year.
Even though I have a vague idea on how shifting is, it was never clear unless I formally followed the "fundamental" instruction. The technique itself isn't that hard, and is more of the issue on how I memorise things "physically". But to me, my current biggest problem is of my "physical" state -- I wish my fingers can be longer so I'll have much less trouble while dealing with strings III and IV! xD;;
Any way, it's challenging but very fun. And it's also amazing to get the awesome sense when you can do more without switching between strings (perhaps only people do it will know how good it feels)!
Just I hope this time it won't be another one year war. I believe it won't!
Now my world expands into D6! (o・ω・o)
After a nearly 2 months' span, I eventually finished NipponIchi's new dying game "ローゼと黄昏の古城" -- longer than HtoL#NiQ, but less pressure, in terms of game control.
I made it to the very end, with almost no help (only 2 hints after dying over so many tries), so the results look miserable, especially the second last:

MAX TIME!! The timer probably has reached its maximal value and couldn't keep recording any more. I know thus I must have spent longer than displayed.. orz
The next thing is for sure time attack, and I need to update my long forgotten gamelist.html!
↓ when she rises up, I knew this would happen! lol
When I pressed Alt+Tab just now, I noticed my desktop is quite busy during these days -- in spite a lot of them are side entertainment.