音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ bad, good, future things

Recently when I was tuning my site, I suddenly realised there's nowhere to see the .htaccess file! So I entered my customised URL and found they all worked fine. Could that be a kind of magic of the server? I'd rather like to believe so but my hunch told me it's not possible.
Eventually, I remembered how to turn on displaying hidden files on WINSCP; this must happened when LipAura was reset in this February.
Really I was in panic for a short moment.
While browsing aimlessly on w3schools' colour section, they got pages for CMYK, HSL, and some similars -- these aren't the point. I just wanted to say, there's a line of text caught my attention:
CMYK is a suggested standard for CSS4.
Instant reaction: CSS4 is coming?!
Second reaction: I don't like this decision, as I prefer HEX only.
Remnant reaction: whatever, I believe HEX will just be supported forever. So it's alright.
Although seems it's still of a fairly long while till the real arrival of CSS4, perhaps also HTML6, I more feel bad for people who don't want to give up the legacy (and classic) XP. u___u
Tanabata passed last week, and I totally forgot what it's supposed to be.
"Is it a day for living people to have a meet with the dead?"
But I vaguely know I was wrong, and soon recalled the right answer.
No, it's not because the bad news from ZABADAK.. >//<
without looking up I guessed right it means "10".
that binaria announced their 10th anniversary box paralysed my brain. So I made my pre-order without thinking anything.

Previous 9 singles (remastered) + the newest album "diez".
I'd wish "sonido" could be included, as the rearrangements were also beautiful. But since "jardín del aire" was only in "ALHAJA", I shall not ask for too much.
After 2010's "LIMBO", the same team made a new game called "INSIDE". (Looking at the staff roll I thought they're from Norway, but wikipedia told me Denmark is the correct answer -- the two languages are so similar, at least in terms of the alphabets!)
Whatever, I'm not in this kind of game at all, based on my terrible experience in LIMBO -- I don't mean the biggest problem is I'm not interested in little boys. Yet I like to watch others playing (or simply dying) so I followed this video from the beginning to the end.
To be honest, I like the ambience and their way of giving hints to reveal the true story. But sadly, again the main character is a little (monkey-like) boy!!
Fine, at least seeing a boy dying doesn't hurt. =ω=
Many people say the appearance of the "flesh creature" near the end make them sick. In my case, I didn't like it at the first glance, but turned to be thinking it being "sickly cute" and like a piece of "flesh mochi". It might be partially because the player's sound made me cheerful though.
Or is that because I'm too twisted after doing so many horror games? xDD;;
Here I just want to give my own opinion. I'm never fond of unclear told stories. I like to have alternative ideas or ways to interpret something, but when the outside big world itself is too abstract or lacks almost anything, it annoys me as I didn't come to find inspirations, I want an actual story that bears its own "rules". On the other hand, somehow I know Playdead wants people to think (?). Whatsoever, let me accept their way of story telling. At least fortunately there's no text to lead or mislead people's thought toward the core of their world.
In contrast, Clock Tower series makes me mad even more, solely in terms of how they tell the story. In "1", there was barely any piece of text. In "2", it didn't really improve but at least the basic story was acceptable. Then jump directly to the newest Night Cry, nothing has changed! Even after watching all 8 endings!
I do think some jump scares scared me, how people are killed is brutal and the world is insane (I don't want to "waste" the word grotesque as it's like a sacred word in my mind). In the aspect of "horror", it's not bad. Yet again, what the hell the develop team was doing?! °A° Purely a monster appears and butchered lots of people and the main characters try to escape. This won't make a good horror. The lack of any kind of explanation made me (perhaps also lots of others) feeling it's nothing but a cheaply made horror movie -- I like how some say the first horror scene as "the case of a vendor machine murder", as well as the twitter-ish SNS interface.
While few, really only few pieces of text exist, they never serve what they're supposed to do, to help us understand what the staff was planning. They literally are full of occult stuff or religious or this kind of "knowledge", but not everyone is a scholar in such a field. I believe the team is responsible to let the players know, or be able to deduce the hidden message through text they provide without looking hard for other sources. Whether or not that's true, the current situation made me thinking nothing but the staff was showing off how much they know and could create "profound" stories.
Stop complaining, be calm and feel how water colour brush is awesome~ hopefully I can finish my another 2-month spanning drawing next time! (・ω・’)