音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♤ Happy End!?

As a late momentary at first, like the usual self:

I've cleared Wesker mode in Code: Veronica Battle Game~
In a sense, that's not as hard as I thought, at least I have a magnum which is enough for Alexia.
Hunters were the real nightmare, during X times of retries, 90% I died from its head-reap, while the rest 10% was the bi*ch Alexia...
I like Wesker's "you are coming with me."
Basically I've done with Veronica, if not saying to challenge a pure knife clear. Later I resumed my trip on the gorgeous Queen Zenobia. However it indeed took some time to recall the past story; although I was quickly killed before my brain finished restoring, due to a crowd of hunters -- hunters have been weakened a lot in this game! orz
After gathering the scattered pieces, another big trouble I faced was my lack in the sense of direction. To escape from the drowned ship, I almost swam over 40 minutes -- I even began to had a 3D sickness that I normally don't have in TPS games.
Luckily less than 10 minutes had recovered my physical balance loss in a 3-hour play completely (that in FPS it would take 3 hours to recover from 30 minutes of play).
I don't like FPS. Not being able to see the character's face reduces my motivation.
I mean I'm not doing Bio 7 unless Leon/Chris shows up!
Way too off....
Moments in Revelations
  • When seeing so many Bio1 "symbols", getting lost and finally reading the name: George Trevor, I laughed.
  • Mr. Mayday got me exhausted, as I kept failing in saving some ammo and herbs.
  • The giant... something boss was also time consuming plus ammo wasting, at least that was easy to dodge and wasn't a melee.
  • The sniper rifle could barely get a chance to use compared to Bio4,5,6.
  • I stopped there, and a weeks ago when I got back, the following counterdown stage drove me crazy (I'm not a fan of Rachel! XDD).
  • Self-destructing system + limited boss fighting time exist in every BIO, however, I beat the nearly-the-final-boss without Kirk's rocket launchers. I thought I failed, but like a miracle, I won in the LAST second!!
  • Inside the water of Queen Dido, I was engulfed by the swimming meat block FOUR times...
  • The real final boss fight was very fun (a Sci-Fi Tyrant xD). And the soundtracks are superb~!
The story, due to too many cross-overs, was always confusing till the very end. I wasn't amused while seeing BSAA people leaving the stage one by one, but this was all CAPCOM's deception. HAPPY END. Great.
The bad thing, in RAID mode, I got stuck at stage 6, with Mr. Mayday. -_-||
Remember a (male) player said, you shall choose only HARD if you're a guy, when he first time played BIO 0.
So I followed him: you shall choose only HARD if you're a fan.
Although it wasn't an easy way, even I have some vague memories from watching other's playing ~1.5 years ago.
Just tonight, I kept dying from various reasons, and last bitten by 3 ugly monkeys...!
最後に、 やはり私はあんまりハロウィンが気に入らない。結局、次の作品のテーマは『彩』になった。