音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ The sound triggers

I got ImageMagick working!

Batch work on a command line is my favoured style, not limited to plain text only. It's a pain to convert images between formats, especially after losing the handy image tool (whose name I sadly forgot) by Microsoft. 2 years ago I was using ImageMagick and it worked well, but at a point it (perhaps a newly installed version) stopped working and I didn't bother too much.
But still I'd really prefer a batch-able interface, so I gave it another try this afternoon. Soon I realised, that I probably didn't read carefully its installation description last time, that the "convert" has been part of the legacy programs and you have to manually check it.
Whatever, it's back to normal. And now I can batch convert people's "proud" TIFF/PNG scans to the more economic JPG -- even I'm not digitally lacking storage.

Final Fantasy XV OST

Without a short break I can't count Roman numerals that's larger than 3... orz
Nonetheless, FF15's soundtrack is awesome. I haven't heard such great music in an orchestra scale for quite a long while.
The thing is though, I myself am not playing the game at all (I own no PS4 nor Xbox1). Instead, I follow another player's stream videos and thus got into the world of FF15. While watching the game like a 3D anime, the biggest thought I had on mind was its BGM, especially those used in battle scenes and major events. So far his progress is "musically" at the very beginning of disc 4, and I'll be looking forward the ending he would reach (what I know is he did all selections without any serious consideration).
Maybe, if I had a PS4, I'd go playing it myself, even though the prince isn't of my type at all. xD;;

Mislead or not?

Since last year's "Chrno arrange", I began to pay (a little bit) more attention to Mitsuda Yasunori and Sarah Àlainn, which eventually led me to the coming release of "VALKYRIA: Azure Revolution". The playable trailer satisfied me, so it's now in my list, both the game and the OST.

Need not to mention last year's "black butterfly" with Shimamiya Eiko's theme song. The sequel "grey hawk" even dragged Shikata Akiko in, which just made me having a short time loop of the opening song -- to compensate the past month's blank.
Actually, both games are positively reviewed on amazon, that got me thinking whether they're worth playing. I'm aware of I have a low compatibility with visual novels (that I still had no progress in Higurashi -Sui-). My hunch is there's no sign of either to be adapted into anime -- I don't hate visual novel, I just don't think the price is fair compared to more complicatedly made RPG/action games. If there're good deals, I'll get them for sure.

Hope it's not another land mine

Many years ago I watched "Avalon" directed by Oshii Mamoru and wasn't amused at all (with zero blame on Kawai Kenji's music). Today I suddenly wanted to watch "Ghost in the Shell" series, mainly for his music again. That I can't forget how splendid the songs were performed on his concert. At the year-end break, it'd be a good idea to watch something long and of my potential interest.
So, please, don't be a land mine again!! °_°"
Still in the same year-end break, I need to get the last piece of artwork done, as I'm not ready to assign it as my first piece in next year.. ~_~