音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ Hello PHP!

I don't understand why the "D" key was the first one to break on my laptop. If it's really due to daily use, keys like "Ctrl", "Z", "C", "V", etc would die much quicker than "D".
At least now I have a comfortable wireless keyboard, and I'm writing on my Surface 3..
Like I said in the first post of this year, I've just finished reading "Learning PHP5" (and just noticed PHP7 was out on the official website). I hadn't got such a big ease before while reading any "textbook" like this one. Perl and PHP are really good sisters!
There's also a "PHP Cookbook" by hand (I own the "Perl Cookbook" but unfortunately I never really read it -_-''). Obviously my next goal is to...
Honestly I still don't understand why it behaves differently using Perl/CGI on my local host and the remote host. Hope the experience with cookie/session (more straightly, user login) can be a sweeter one this time. PHP was designed for websites!
And, please let me believe there's no UTF-8 issue in php... ._.
After finishing reading, I just manually installed PHP on my local computer last evening, and it was a happier one compared to Perl/CGI+Apache, but here I do believe it's largely contributed by my previous experience with them. But still, I'd like to leave some memos for future reference.
Apache version 2.4 - perhaps it doesn't matter but Perl/CGI has already been configured
PHP version 5.6.30 (VC11 x64 Thread Safe) - to use with Apache Thread Safe is a must
NOTE: both Apache and PHP should be either x86 or x64 at the same time.
- download the PHP zip file, unzip, and record its DIR path
- append into Apache's "conf/httpd.conf"
LoadModule php5_module "D:/ProtableProgs/php/php5apache2_4.dll"
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
# configure the path to php.ini
PHPIniDir "D:/ProtableProgs/php"
also modify:
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
- add into system variable PATH:
D:\ProtableProgs\php;D:\Program Files\Apache24;D:\Program Files\Apache24\bin
- edit "php.ini"
; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
and uncomment following lines:
; http://php.net/extension-dir
extension_dir = "./"
; On windows:
extension_dir = "ext"
Uncomment mysql modules
in CMD, type
D:path\php -m
to check active modules.
should be good, all done, those so-called all-in-one package installers can go to hell~ (/・ω・)/
Yorlga 2's tracklist has been announced. I know samples are also out but I want to wait for the actual release.
Just reading each character of the tracklist, I feel like to assign a new array, and "push" each into the array one by one. Like Noriko said in her twitter, it's a beautiful arrangement of text!
It's too late so I'm not going to find it again and copy-paste it here then do some crazy delusions...
Another thing I've learned to be super important. Pay attention to the ingredients of eye drops. E.g. naphazoline is not good, tetrahydrozoline is better (sadly I don't recall a single thing from organic chemistry). Just threw out the remainder of bottle that contained mainly naphazoline. From now on I'm with Sante.. xD
Last, Steins;Gate 0 is on discount, 71% off!! I know it's always a good choice to wait for such a moment. I don't really care whether I can get to play a new game right on its release day or not!
Maybe with Yorlga 2's release I can be more stimulated, but recently, I've been playing through all my Brahms pieces and got completely downed in terms of making new arts. Therefore it's almost time for me to "remake". ("Revive" sounds a good pick, isn't it. :3)
Persona 4 is fun! Regardless I keep reading its title on the box as "PAG" instead of "P4G"! lol