音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♤ ローマ式の行く春・The Romanesque End of this Spring

——そして、もう一つの約束・And Another Promise
The spring of 2007 will end at last.
And, I have listened FJY’s 7th single.
And, my cold has been recovered.
Well, it was likely I had also got cold when FJY’s 6th single was released, though both then and now, the weather was not very well.
But why? Was it a fortuity? No, I don’t think so. I believe this saying: “There are no fortuities but only certainties in this world.” To think about the saying, my cold was must a certainties.
And after my deep thought, I knew little by little.
First, I have known when the 7th single would be released earlier.
Second, I feel very exciting when FJY’s songs are released each time.
Third, my immunity will decrease as my heart become exciting and exciting.
Fourth, the weather was not very well that time.
Now, I analyzed so and I think everyone should understand. There was not any fortuity between my cold and FJY’s single, it was a completely certainties.
Here, I want to say something about FJY’s new single which got me into cold.
In my mind, whether FJY or Kajiura-Sense or YUUKA-san, they have seemly became to the “The First Best”.
This single was still very wonderful.
Of <romanesque>, the lyrics “like the endless summer, like the never withered flower”, and the decorations of guitar and mandolin (was it there?), and the flowing melody of according, also with no any prelude, they all poured into my ears directly.
“Um, from the very first, it is such a strong atmosphere of Roman!”
With the same beautiful voice, YUUKA opened a new gate for me, walking on the foreign country-road which by Kajiura-Sense, I was following the romanesque FJY this time. But, when the eternity song cadenced -- where the end of the sky, where the end of the golden clouds, where the angel’s feathers disappeared – I also couldn’t follow up them. Then I climb up the hill and stop my step, with a deep breath, and finally I looked down at the world what I saw, it was a very romanesque one! The thick walls, barrel vaults, and relatively unrefined ornamentation, also the big stones which with were wore edges, collapsing pillars, and the round arena. ALL were romanesque.
Of the intermezzo, the solo of accordion sang splendidly, the romanesque became stronger and stronger.
Another I can’t to say nothing, about the percussion instruments. The arrangement of the song was not complex, but the song sounded colorful. This was the effect of percussion instruments, also the perfect mix of FJY’s voice and melody.
Sure enough, Kajiura-Sense is good at composition of foreign music.
Of <The Promise>, there was not any of the foreign music. This song sounded more intense, and listen to this song, we can get the encourage of OVER THE STORM and KEEP GOING FORWARD.
Of the arrangement, it was a little like the song <Reason of Smile> somewhat, at least I think so.
However, I can’t say more on this song though it’s a good composition…
Now, the spring of 2007 is about to end, but my life is continuing. And I make myself a new promise.
“No matter I have to face anything, keep myself and going to live.”