音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

★ xx shades of dark blue and pink

Since this week's big cleaning of my laptop, a few more keys were behaving weirdly after the 90% dead "D", 50% dead "R": "Down" is 85% not working, and "W" sometimes gives two characters in a row.
Great. At least the fan itself is fairly quiet till now. The keyboard isn't the most essential part after all.
☪ฺ*:.。. .。.:*・☪ฺ*:.。. .。.:*・☪ฺฺ*:.。. .。.:*・☪ฺ*:.。. .。.:*☪ฺ
50 Shades of grey.
When I first saw this, I wondered "Why it's worth posting? Isn't that true? This would be my first impression too." But later I learned it was the title of a horribly rated film. ^^;
However, I mentioned it just because of now I'm moving on to the main topic.

『星輝夜のための舟唄 -barcarolle for a radiant starry night-』
Overlaying variations of dark blue and pink means a calm night with dancing sakura petals~
Processing notes:
- It was the one inspired by Akiko's "Kagaya (or whatever its pronunciation is)" from album "Wokashi". The initial motivation was... perhaps looping it for a whole morning.
- The title that didn't really take too much time to decide. I think I've sort of wanted to use the word "barcarolle" right after drawing the draft.
- Although strings were largely used in the arrangement, I didn't mean to depict everything in detail, so only the most (?) featuring instruments : flute and sou (plus vocal of course) were involved. While the three impressive words before taking a closer look at the lyrics were: wind, flower and star, there was no more reason to include more characters.
- The think of props, mainly the boat, was indeed a hard attempt. Even after finishing it I still feel a flower boat ... -ish thing may look a little mismatched, doesn't it?
- Unusually, the entire make up of the background was firmly determined with the draft. Therefore it went faster than expected. Need to mention, the background was originally patched up from various photos I found via google image: The galaxy sky, the lake with sakura trees beside, and the foreground tree.
- The backgrounding was indeed fun too. And I learned a bit more on rendering night sky and water surface, not good at the light-shadow effects though. (I liked to smear around the sky to smoothing different shades~) Also I dotted EVERY SINGLE STAR in the sky, WITHOUT duplication.. -_-''
- Patterns of clothing and background were largely done using my Surface~ :3
- At first there was no flying petals, but eventually I added them in. But since it was the last and also kind of additional step, I got lazy and used its built-in decoration tool -- good thing was flying petals are a common element and was ready to use!
Two month one piece, which is current progress since about 2 years ago. Regardless I do have so many inspirations or even vague ideas, becoming a gamer is eating up lots of my leisure time which slowed down this side. Now doing my 5th run of Dark Souls... Seriously poisoned! @@;;
Next, finally I can move on to the long wish: "kinema mosaic" again! \(T)/