音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ Brackets rule {-w-}

It was a bit busier than ever in the past 1.5 months. Too many free ideas I've cumulated in my internal notepad to be released, which I'm going to do now.

Complaint: stupid right-click-disabling plugins

Not the first time, but more frequently since February when I came across many personal websites, I've noticed they got a sort of plugin to disable text selection and/or copy/paste/Ctrl+U/etc. Regardless, the source code can be still accessed through your web browser's menu (unless their script can affect your web browser which is of a near-zero chance), and you can get all contents you want by parsing HTML. A bit hassle but not that much, especially when you know how to REGEX!
Nonetheless, I don't understand why those people invest some extra time (maybe minor since it's merely a matter of a few clicks from wordpress) to install it, since it doesn't really work. If you don't want people to copy your stuff, don't publish it. Otherwise there is always a way to get your text, and you only annoy most innocent people since they simply want to select a word and google its definition.
Another annoying plugin is the pop-up subscription ad. Honestly, how many people would enter their email and subscribe? Or maybe they just want to show off their skill of making a pop-up ad... u_u

Learning Python experience

On an intention to look inside, I borrowed Learning Python (the edition that only covers 2.3) from the library and finally managed to read the section of using modules. With my experience in Perl, it's going mostly well, though I haven't been spending much time practising.
On the other day when I was looking for a solution to clear my trailing rubbish on screen, but one of the quickest answers was rather:

Yeah, fine, there's more than one way to do it.
I'm still not -- and probably will never be -- used to Python's space-based indentation, I eventually realised that I missed the great feature of Notepad++, which can use either tab or space depending on the language. Missed the option earlier and had so many complaints.
Brackets are beautiful. {-w-}
Plus, I'm surprised that the book doesn't teach a lot in Regex, while Learning Perl spend chapters covering relevant topics.
I'm now very glad I didn't start with Python, even it's more popular at present.

Enough attempting in ciphering

Earlier, I didn't understand bitwise operators, but now I don't understand why I want to use them. And my sudden idea led me to use them as a code.
But though I can convert a piece of message into massive 1-and-0's, anyone who knows the logic behind will be able to decipher it.
Will that also apply to modern cryptography?
Whatever, I tried to make my own code. It does work, but when trying to integrate it into an already-built site, more issues came, involving to require a password, to manage current pass, to display original or enciphered text, etc.
Just too troublesome to continue.
Maybe what I need is to find a good javascript, or leave self-hints without literally stating them.
At least I've made a shallow attempt in this. Satisfied.

One-column layout is the best

Two months ago, I applied a two-column layout, which doesn't look bad.
Today, I reset the template back to a one-column layout, which is more comfortable.
Two or more columns simply look crammed, especially for a personal site. And it's often hard to balance between a short article and a very long sidebar.
Still, to compensate those several "widget" php files I made (easily) for the sidebar, I rearranged them to fit into my index -- with a two-column layout! (>ω<)