音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✽ the catlike Canidae critter

↓ This could be done much earlier, but unfortunately I was playing too much Nioh2..
But also thanks to Nioh2, that further inspired this remake, sort of.
Nine tails, so cute that I fell in love immediately. But never really got a chance to equip since Nioh1. Before I needed the running speed up and stamina recovery speed up from the golden bird, and soon I was bound to use Nekomata and Hakutaku, the lovely and knowledgeable elders.
At least, I decided to have two accompanying nine-tails in this remake.

客人まれびと綺想曲 / Marebito Capriccio
originated from Yorlga's KitsuneTsuki by Mitose Noriko + Hirota Yoshitaka
I doubt there's a word equivalent to Marebito so maybe it's better to use as what it is.
The initial version was done 10+ years ago, hard to believe but true.
The idea of remaking it also came out suddenly, when I played that album again after quite a long while. One reason was the initial version barely has a proper background, plus I was in a blank period without new inspirations (I do have one but not in the right mood to start), thus this (huge) remake was triggered.
However, during the draft stage I never thought about how the background would be like, and accepted whatever turned out after reading the lyrics many times.
One key concept could be the "異界の門口", entrance to the other world. So I blended elements of three seasons, combined with Torii gates that usually served as a connection. The lanterns are merely decorations -- originally I drafted stone lanterns, but then I was attracted by the wooden ones I saw in Nioh2's DLC1 (in the mount Kurama mission) and changed my idea -- thanks Nioh2 again!
But it's still a shame I had no chance to blend some winter.
Finally, I did struggle a bit for its title, but not for too long. Because I just recently noticed it's in an irregular time, combined with 3/4 and 4/4 and probably 2/4 (that's why I usually messed up myself in terms of tempo while listening to this song), Capriccio would be a good fit. (Seems it's becoming a habit that I try to give titles of a musical form for works that were inspired by a song.) Although I still don't think the first half suits the best, I have no more motivation to find a better one. (Trying to make the title writes in a [not really] Nioh-ish font is fun -- Thanks Nioh2 the third time!)
**final raw file size: 460MB?!

-- Hopefully there's Yorlga III sometime.
and I'm going to clear Shura difficult this week!
Next plan: Möbius Mechanisms II (°ω°彡)