音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ Déraciné in a rush

Was going to resume at least weekly writing habit, but couldn't mostly due to the extreme over-30°C heat that burnt many of my brain cells.
It will take some time to fully go back to normal, I know it.
Déraciné. I have to say it's the worst From game because you're forced to get a VR. Since I'm not interested in first-person ones and never want a VR, I chose to cloud-play it and indeed enjoyed it this January. During that special and a little hard period, it brought me so much peace, and I also can't forget its ending music, not the common version of the Scarborough Fair I know, maybe a different version or not, I love that more. Therefore, today on the very special day, that melody came across my mind again and I finally added this little gem to my collection.
Hopefully I can someday transcribe it -- Not very confident at the moment though. But if I could finish the majority of it, how nice the ensemble would be!
-- I really need a cello. No, this isn't the point...
Then, the reality.
Have been coding for the past weeks, mostly in R -- that I never knew I'd do so much R even in the last year -- then some Perl and Bash. It's fun actually, and I love what I'm doing.
Meanwhile, I've got many thoughts. Maybe I've said them before, but here, I'll make them clear, again.
-- Code never betrays you. It's always the coder's fault when it goes malfunctioning.
-- Never trust Reddit and Quora regarding coding questions, and I never understand why people ask such tech stuff there.
It's getting much cooler this weekend and following, so I can finally turn on my PS4 and get irritated by the Elden Pest! (°ω°”)
At last...

Only at such times do I wish my phone had a better camera or I brought my semi-pro Sony...
Still haven't organised its memory card for nearly 1.5 years! -- Too lazy...