音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✽ 冬ふたたび

It returned to -20~-30°C this middle week, which gave birth to this totally unrelated title.
(Still haven't got the habit to make a weekly record, and I'm beginning to guess this won't be changed.)
Was initially planning to make such a record about a month ago, that eventually I found a PS5 at a regular price. Amazon had a stable stock of the disk version since last December but I waited until the end of January for the digital -- have considered it long enough before this day, that it's not worth getting a physical knowing that my collection is only of 5 disks (in which 3 of them I probably won't touch in years).
It's so far of a good experience. Speedy and quiet, plus the shell is open-wide, which is decent for self-cleaning. Have been enjoying it in the past month, that ruined paused most of my routine plans.. Time to bring things back as March approaches!
At least I got mine this early, so hopefully there are not many scalpers who got killed by the curse I cast last time.
However, I always have more complaints. The immediate one is that it's UGLY -- I wonder which idiot came up with this design and how come more idiots accepted it. The PS4 is much more elegant and compact (I had slim). Second, more crucially, the controller is heavier. Much heavier than the PS4 and my hands, especially my thumbs, feel tired. Or could this be because they wanted the players to take a rest more frequently? (I doubt it). Then, as more others also complained, it took out the function for USB backup. I have PS+ but in a different region. This sadly forced me to change account, and thus melted my brain a bit further to find a more decent ID for it -- I really love my JP account ID! Nonetheless, there is less reason to stay there seeing how save-backup is limited now, especially now that I'm wasting my PS+ benefits in the NA region. At least the USB backup is still functional on PS4, meaning I don't have to redo my progress again for most games.
With a brand new PS5, I couldn't repress the demon inside me. But once I let it out, I wanted it to return to slumber soon. The old-fashioned inconvenience doesn't suit me anymore. Not challenging, but more of a time-wasting side. So I turned to ER for another 7 quick runs and just switched back in the past week, hoping to just have some experience of the improved graphics, at least...
Besides the PS5 addiction, I also had some technique works, for one of my 10+ years old hard drives. Did a full disk scan last year, but for some reason that I can't recall, I did it again. A minor reason was I decided to downgrade my OneDrive plan -- wish I found the economic 100GB plan much earlier, but it was still not too late. So the main thing I had to make sure of was the status of my brick-sized hard drive. It took a long while, too long and I don't want to mention it again. The trade-off is some saved $$, pretty decent.
At the same time, I came up with a list of galaxy planet names in German, which will be used for my devices. It would be fun to look from my wifi management, that Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are currently connected, isn't it?
Well, German, one important thing to resume, along with my huge drawing plan. Have just ordered a laptop stand, hope this can fasten the progress, as having some more extra space on my desk would always be visually pleasant.
Finally for today's rumbling, I eventually dropped the idea to colour my pile of drawing drafts, even though it does sound fun. I don't think this is a good time to return to analogue, just like pushing my inner demon back into my heart. I don't want to, or I shall say, I can't. I'm too spoiled by the digital side of the world. It's fun, but not realistic, especially when I want to treat it seriously. Even though my attitude is real, I don't have much physical support, say, the skill of using them properly.
To keep it concise.