音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ Sirius

Woke up at 9:04 and suddenly remembered there was a partial solar eclipse happening 10 minutes later.
The day was 70% sunny with many clouds, not completely cloudy so possible to have a look. However, there were no proper gears for viewing the sun, but I still managed to spot the partially eaten sun for a few quick seconds. Not very exciting, as expected, but also not bad to just have a look. The last time was roughly 6 years ago, also not very excited at all -- compared to a total eclipse, of course.
In contrast to a slightly darkened sun, it's this name that has been lingering around my mind for weeks.
Really learned this word from the Xiahou bros. Great sound does have his sword, indeed. So when I made the most recent card, The Star, I blended in the star while thinking of this exact one (what actually happened was google image showed me this star from the NASA site when I searched for some starry night reference).

The light effect was hard to draw, but guess that's all I could do.
For the background, I had to travel to the eternal city myself, which did take some detours because my current game progress was rather early, and the gargoyle duo was irritating but eventually managed by the help of summoned zombies. The background overall was so much easier to work with than the Maliketh arena for sure so I shall have no more complaints.
Going slower than the one-card-one-month pace, not only need to get more inspiration but also need to find smart ways to reduce the amount of drawing, by layout design, which I'll try to apply for the next card.
Guess my gallery will be filled with nothing but cosplay cards in the next few years. (¯―¯*)