音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

☆ 季節感なし・No Seasonal Feeling

The temperature is turning warm from May. Though Beginnig of Summer was 6th May this year, in common, it should be June when we put on our summer clothing. And in the late period of May, the weather has turned very hot too. It is really like summer now.
So that, the spring and summer in this year had became a mess. For example, morning glories, which should come in July, but I have seen them in the beginning of May; water lilies, which should come in August, now they have bloomed in my campus; and dandelions, which should come in March, can be seen even now the late May.
I was surprised completely for all of them. What the season is now on earth?
Do not you feel puzzled about it?
All of us might be pulled in fact, I think.
Living in the modern, I still not want to forget the tradition. Like the seasonal feelings.
Surely, I most like summer and autumn, and I also not dislike the others. Thanks for them, I can enjoy my like seasons more strongly and cherished. Do not you think so?
Nevertheless, it is a little regret. Climate started to turning warm before many years. Therefore, the seasonal feeling also start vanished from us.
The seasonal feeling is important to me. Flowers, rains, leaves, and snows, each season has its own unique beauties. And with the changing seasons, he beauties transformed silently, tenuously and lightly. The former and the later season overlaps each other, one went and the next come. Sometimes, as I find out any tiny change suddenly, a happy also cherished feeling come into my heart. This tender mood is must a present from the nature, and, it is must a big appreciation which respond to the mysterious nature from me.
Now, seeing everyone and me in the summer clothing, somewhat, I think a bit about the seasonal feeling will be vanished soon.