音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ 凧揚げと空・Kites and Sky

In the twilight of yesterday, I saw some people were playing kites. There I saw 3 kites, two of them were long and one was squared. In the 2 long kites, one had flight in the high sky and the others were flying at the same height as our gym when I saw them. What I saw firstly were the lower kites, I thought their players were must be somewhere nearly so I tried to seek them. Finally I found one, an old uncle; from his movements I could know that he must be one player. But where he looked forward was not same as the two kites, and when I looked toward his sight I found another kite. In the west sky, in front of white clouds which sunlight flowed out, it flight highly. Although I have had known that kites can fly very high, I was still excited by that kite, and I could not impress this feeling. To say something about that scene, that was wonderful! Like wanted to reach for the sun, the kite was flying. Yes, that did, was wonderful!
Now, I turned to look the other two kites, they were also trying to fly higher. This scene was also wonderful! The rain in these days had stopped, now in the cleared sky, the kites were flying. Soon later, all the three kites were in the high sky, and I could only see three little black points there. The sunlight was still dazzled, and on the background consisted with lots of white clouds, the kites points were so small. However, in the people’s mind who knows the little points were kites, little kites were all right. In my own mind, they did, were the marvel. Surely, the difference of scale between the vast sky and the little kites is big, but such a scene was so harmony, and that was also the feeling what mystified me.
Yes, there was sky, kites, and harmony.