音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ 真・サバイバルホラー

I believe I can barely feel the so-called "season", so this year's "first post" is 11 days late.
Today's main theme:
my miserable DIEgest in 「biohazard HD remaster」 across 5 rounds toward the 100% completion ♪
The "old" biohazard is so good.
The Souvenir Shot!
I bought the disk right after its release in 2014 November, but due to many reasons, I couldn't get to play it until the end of 2015. Initially, I simply trusted my experience in original biohazard, and thought to make it to the end would be a piece of cake. The difficulty selection was badly described. Although it sounded like "easy-normal-hard", it was actually "very easy-easy-normal". I was deceived first by choosing my imagined "normal" (I switched to real normal after 1 hour) on Chris's route with no hesitation. Then the nightmare began (I played it at night).
While being aware of there's no "start-cancel", I got my first death 5 minute after starting the game (including watching the opening movie). "Fine, I'll just run away next time." However, when I saw the extended corridor in Kenneth's room, my head began to hurt. So that's why people all said bio-remake (=rebio) is another game comparing the original.
The first round was extremely stressful. How to get the keys has been changed, items like wind crest, etc. still exist but with a different function, and the map is largely revised that made me keeping getting lost. Zombies are smarter and tougher; they can also evolve into crimson heads that scared me a lot. Besides, the near-broken door knob was annoying; the red and yellow gems tricked me for 20 minutes; and to transport the fuel cylinder was scary in another sense. On the other hand, hunters are stupider (yet I was still mami-ed for many times), the orange/grey area indicator was helpful to discover unnoticed items, and the story about the mansion designer was better told (finally I understood why there's a grave inside the mansion).

Round 1. Chris, normal

Chris's HP here is like Jill's HP in the original. As I said it's already a different game from the original, every step until fighting the crimson head prototype was with 500% thrill. Things went smoother in the second half and by the end, I still had over 30 shotgun shells. The last fight with Lisa put me in confusion at first time. I used up my shotgun but she just didn't go; I understood what I was supposed to do until I found I could push the stones by chance...

Round 2. Jill, very easy, knife only

Fortunately I have the special video from the official website on this -- yet I don't even dare challenging on "easy". Prototype and hunters bothered me a lot, while the rest wasn't that harsh.
Comparing with hunters, to kill the chimera before carrying the fuel cylinder made me retried not less than 5 times (as defence items aren't allowed!).

Round 3. Chris, real survival

On hard, no auto-aim, and item boxes aren't connected. This is definitely the hardest ("invisible + hard" isn't considered here). Knowing I do poorly on passing-by, I still went with Chris for his higher HP (plus Rebecca's free potions)!
Items are so limited including ink ribbons, but they are just enough if you don't mind beating prototype and snake with a handgun, as well as walking a little longer to transfer them between different boxes. Surprisingly, blue herb, which was always the last taking item, was way more important.
Zero confidence points: dogs and snakes in the courtyard, plant42 (I managed with 6 magnum + a few handgun bullets), hunters near the east save room, the no-save part begin with Trevor's grave until the red gem room.
The actual clear time was about 4:30, but in fact I spent a whole day to retry again and again.

Round 4. Chris, very easy + invisible enemies

a.k.a. Bite-Me mode. Because you can choose the difficulty, it's almost pressure-less comparing with real survival. Same reason, I chose Chris for his higher HP.
Special after clear Invisible Enemies (now I don't know how I can see them again other than run this mode again orz):

Mikami Shinji's letter.

Unused costumes. Too-karate Chris.

Round 5. Jill, normal, no save

The samurai edge was unlocked in round 3, and I just needed the rocket launcher to unlock all weapons. Plus there's another for no save. So I decided to do them together using Jill.
As I was doing no-save at the same time, I paid special attention to Jill's HP, which could be zero after 2 zombie-bites. Hunters, stone death traps, and also Lisa's last battle were extremely anxious to me.
Based on previous rounds, I knew it's still impossible for me to clear within 3 hours using Chris. Rebio's route is longer than the original anyway. Even using Jill the result was still close to "fail". Like what happened in my 3 hours Chris run in the original, 2 hours 59 minutes 40 seconds! If I got lost or got bitten or whatever, I'd have to re-challenge the 3 hours clear again.
Although it wasn't on purpose, I was lucky that I didn't run on normal with Jill earlier and thus the kamikaze-zombie was never unlocked during my previous runs! °w°
Just did a little BIOHAZARD 6. The system had become so complicated (much more complicated than biohazard 5) that I doubt I can make it through. I even need time to think which is L1 and which is R2! But Leon is so ikemen that I can't say no. ^^;

♢ Karafuru Petits Threes

First, look at Mei-chan's neko-punch!! (`・ω・’)ノ
To complement the strong contrast after flashing this corner, I turned on the lamp but this completely masked the colour bulbs on the tree.

As Ito Masumi has been posting her toy pianos etc. for quite a while, this idea gradually grew on my mind: Next time I'll prepare a toy piano for my girls.

Petits Threes
It might be a bit lonely, but this work has no inspiration, or perhaps Ito Masumi's tweet could serve this -- no, a tweet isn't a piece of music, so doesn't count.
Draft, outline and base colouring were done 2 weeks ago (BGM, Atelier Ayesha OST + someone's BIOHAZARD gameplay stream, aka. BGV), while shadowing and makeups were finished this this afternoon (BGM, [Don Giovanni + Le Nozze Di Figaro] x 3). The gap in last week was due to playing of *****. And actually today, Photoshop getting stuck for no reason. Neither RAM nor CPU was 100% occupied, but it just stopped when I was attempting to resize a few layers together! I waited about 30 minutes, hoping it could come back to life. But I was wrong. Fortunately the main work had been saved. However I had to redo the background arrangement again. -_-''
This is definitely my last work in this year. I do have a new plan developed in this week, inspired by Kajiura Yuki's "magician", but I know I won't make it before the end of year. Thus I shall not rush, and leave it until mid-February. The title was also determined to be "Chromatik Magicians", which involves 5 chars with one featuring a main colour: red, blue, yellow, green and purple. Scene will be in an antique home library, time should be, perhaps at early evening when the last ray of sun is still barely visible. It's very challenging to depict the dim light effect but I'll see, as I might change my mind... Besides the standard piano trio, I'll include a flute and a vocal with a magical songbook!
... why the hell I'm netabare-ing so much for the draft only next piece? ∑(゚Д゚#)
Back to this one... as I said there's no inspiration, it's merely a holiday season triggered soundless trio concert. Indeed, at the very beginning I wasn't intended to make it suited to it, so the only seasonal decoration could be the holly leaves which look a little too saturated.
Same reason, I'm tired to title my works with regulars such as "XXX 2015", etc. So I did spent some time figuring out how to name this. I first youtubed to check the tone of a toy piano, and quickly got my image that it sounds like a celesta ruined (a toy piano does look cute, but the sound isn't good even it's from a good instrument maker). Later on, after staring at Mei-chan's neko-punch (beginning) for a while, my brain began to revolve around the origin concept:
toy piano => small => petit => petits fours => colourful cakes...
-- And you can't say that this piece isn't colourful!
... colourful => trio => 3 => three => Petits Threes
Of course I know the "four" in "petit four" actually means "oven", but, let me do it for this time! >w<
Again, continued from the end of last time, a girl should have a fringe! Thus for the third (?) time I made a change. I'm happy now and really believe there're no more changes in future!
At last, a cello is just E-RO-I!!! (*´▽`*)

✾ 溶けちゃう♪

This evening when I was waiting for the train going back I saw a person at the train station playing some light pieces on a classical guitar. So I changed my mind of waiting for the train outside and stayed inside. The pieces he played were like European folk tunes, but that of more of my interest was his fingers. I enjoy watching people's fingers when they playing music. Every finger movement is always so elegant and beautiful, regardless the player's actual skill. Pretty much like people who enjoy dancing or watching others dance. Although I myself don't understand anything in the art of dance, that I even can't accept ballets (especially from males).
Speaking of elegant things... that even after so many times I still want to say, cats are so elegant!


While last time I was struggling with getting rank S in BIOHAZARD -CODE: VERONICA-, soon after I had two rounds and eventually got it at the second try.

To get rank S, you've to complete it within 4.5 hours without any save. Mine was a little past 4 hours. I was surprised by I still have lots of time left.
The no save sounded harsh, but comparing to Silent Hill's 100-point requirements, this becomes nothing. Although I died 2 times with Nosferatu, and 1 time with hunter, fortunately it wasn't too far away from the beginning of the second half.
Then suddenly I got an impulse to run BIOHAZARD again -- good games simply make you want to play again and again -- and, I made it again, sort of...

The time bomb was stopped at the last second. Not only in animes, this happened on me as well! xD;;
And no need to mention I for sure had another hard fight with hunters. So far I've heard so many Biohazard lovers saying hunters are their trauma. They must be agents from Hell!
After doing so much BIOHAZARD, when I went to Yomawari, I naturally pressed ↑ and wondered "why she's moving behind!!". That's why radio-control is the most ideal when the camera angle is fixed. I don't know how many times I lost HP due to the confusing 2D-control when the camera angle changed in ZERO series.
At least, I literally finished Yomawari after leaving my PSV on for a couple of days. The playing-50-hour trophy was a devil, but still a cute thing in front of htoL#NiQ's 2'10''-completion of the maze in stage 2-3. ← I gave up. Will come back when I can handle BIOHAZARD 5's professional difficulty with a handgun. -_-''

Melted in Sound

Recently I'm addicted to Amano Tsuki(ko)'s "Genpuku", aka the ZERO collection.

Before I only know the first two songs, now I'm adding "ゼロの調律" and "鳥籠-in this cage-" into my favourites. While playing them, I was like melting in the sound of world. The ambience (even though I have no clue what ZERO 4 is about) is superb.
Suddenly, by staring at its tracklist, I realised:
1. the theme song of "ZERO 2 -紅い-" is 蝶, and
2. the theme song of "ZERO 3 -刺青ノ-" is 聲...
Moreover, I also realised how the title "ゼロの調律" does make sense to me.
When you tune a string, you're not supposed to give it any extra pressure = open string. In terms of fingering, this is always written as a "0" (programmers are more compatible with string instruments as the fingering begins from 0!!).
These must be done on purpose! (but why I'm so excited by this?)
Too bad ZERO series was moved to Wii system. I really wish they can be released on PlayStation again. I don't have a Wii and never plan to buy one -- their controller is a disaster to me.
-- at least include ZERO 1~3 into PS2 archives so I can do them on my PS3... Q_Q

Every Story Has Its "0"

There are Silent Hill 0, BIOHAZARD, with "ZERO" by itself, and now "Steins;Gate" also has its "0"!
But the real exciting news is this will definitely be animated! So I don't need to struggle whether I should play this game, which belongs to the genre of visual novel, the worst category I can handle. As a game player, although I'm bad at actions, it's still mild comparing to complicated battle systems in RPG's and subtle flaggings in visual novels. I'm better with the give-me-a-pipe-and-I-can-fight-to-end style. If only following my own thoughts, I usually end up with bad/wrong ends... lol
Anyhow, seems the topic has now moved to computers...
> Complex data structure, like hash/array in hash..., or any other equivalents is much helpful than a simple 2D data table. But no matter how you believe in it, people don't have the same mind just don't understand it and insist to put everything altogether. "Because I can see everything." < They keep saying.
But do you know how much more trouble you're causing to people who take care of the data?! So much that makes me willing to punch them at face. °A°
A girl should have fringe! << Therefore I'm again making changes for her, I hope believe that's the last time. :3

♤ 絶望なんかしません

Someone said I looked stressful yesterday. Really? I myself know for sure I was not. But why others thought so? In this sense I might be, as to keep a poker face is always one of my life style mottoes.
Perhaps it's because the unknown (?) virus invaded me over the past week and almost drained up all my HP. At least my hard working immune system managed to annihilate them and thus I didn't end up with being another source of biohazard.
The nature is the most mysterious! No need to explain further. Every such time I strongly feel it, and appreciate that as a single and independent unit, my system is running well.
↓ Twisted 18+ contents. Hover at your own risk.
Meanwhile, I also tend to think about the opposite. That a single base change could result a completely different life being. In the wild world, they are most likely being discarded and soon return to the earth. While in the more advanced homo sapiens realm, they're protected as long as it's possible. However, for quite a lot of times I keep thinking, is there a reason for that? Depending on the situation, it's absolutely a worth-doing if the targets are only affected in the physical body; limbs can be replaced, brains can't. But if that's the very very important "mind-sphere" got interrupted irreversibly? It's not Sci-Fi, we can't yet restore body functions at this level, why waste time and energy for them? Just because they're born as a person? Try to think from the malfunctioning one's view -- here I have to overcome that they might not even be able to think -- with a human form, but a not-more-complicated-than-any-single-cellular-organism life. Nothing won't be fun without a good brain, and by the end their existence is merely helping researchers to reach for the yet-still-far-away goal of being an ultra-saviour. In this sense, even cyanobacteria has a more meaningful life span! By keep doing such anti-nature things the currently only-one earth is going to be unbalanced day by day.
So that why Sibyl System only stores human brains is reasonable. << no, I'm never intending to have a dark comedy.
As to think for other possible reasons:

死にゲー祭り!! (゚∀゚#)

Yomawari clear! And htoL#NiQ Hotaru no Nikki clear!
Both are quite short in story, but still cost plenty of time till the very end. I (perhaps most others) simply kept dying and retrying.
Yomawari's ending theme is a true beauty, which must have deceived lots of people buying it. I'm happy with that game though -- experiencing all the silent time in Silent Hill series, I won't complain anything regarding to its BGM-less-ness.
Even it's a game in which players are supposed to die a lot, the loading is fairly quick, and every item you got is auto-saved so you can just get everything by piling up your bodies. The sound effects and the stamina system were both realistic (I think my running status would be similar to that in real world). Anyway, Alice is cute. Cute girls in a horror game (like Zero series), which is enough to satisfy me.
Plus this is a death game, I like this type (that I did all Ao-Oni versions!).
↓ Some "sweet" memories:
The more I look at him, the more I hate dogs. lol
The so Silent-Hill-otherworld-ish moment!
She does show a cute face.
As I said before, I want such a cushion~
The Path of 1000 Torii (Moe-Mode)
Die!! XDD
↑ If they all happen in the real world, I'll of course be scared.
Later on, as the person who streamed his Yomawari gameplay mentioned, that although he didn't expect Yomawari didn't have a real bad end, anyone who wanted an even darker story should try htoL#NiQ, which was a way of self-killing. So after seeing the moe-moe Mion-chan, I couldn't resist to step into that fantastic ruin.
However, the first impression of this game I had was "what? you can do back-touch on PSV?" << Apparently I never read my PSV's user manual. ^^;
Yet the back touch was too hard to control, so I switched and stick to type-B.
And the first thing made me to get a screen capture was... a corpse!
Corpse x4...
Corpses again... let's have a corpse party!
The traumatic stages... of course they belong to the two irritating mini-mazes!
While noticed many people compared this to Limbo, I got curious too and took a look at it. The result was, I could save some money as I'm not interested in controlling a shota at all.
Again, cute is justice!

A long, long way to rank S in Code: Veronica

Only do Silent Hill when you're in a bright mood, as it may decrease your lightness. But you can do Biohazard at any time, as it always gets your mental state more delightful. And the very best action I like is, to shot down the dog with one handgun bullet, and then stab it to death. Nothing can be more joyful. Annoying things should just go to hell! (← Dark soul full open.)
Trying to revenge the rank E I got after my first time play, I did it over the last weekend. My memory wasn't clear yet in the second time, especially toward the end. At the end, out of my expectation that I'd spent like 6 hours, I actually spent 7 hours and half!! @@
How evil is Code Veronica! But looking at the B rank, you'll know how tough it was for the first time players.
Not only the route is long. Some difficult stages, like Tyrant 2nd, Nosferatu, hunters, and Alexia 1st. So many instant deaths. And aiming for the S rank meaning NO SAVE within 4 hours and half.
Thinking about I got S after 8 rounds in Biohazard 3, Veronica still has a long way to go. u_u
Just watched Steins;Gate 0's PV. I wish they could animate it! As I'm an even worse novel game players than being a horror/action player.
(It shouldn't be the end as I feel like there's still something I need to write, but can't recall it right now..)

♤ The Half-Sleeping Week Was Over

Even though it's still "Shimotsuki", recent days were rather like "Shiwasu" that everything was crammed together. Over the weekend to Monday, my brain was in a semi-freezing state after going over 24 x 2 meaningless reports. And after all sessions on Tuesday were done, my brain was finally exploding that I couldn't keep myself awake.
So I had to leave it to tonight, after a refreshing link-up between "Psycho-Pass film" and "biohazard 4". (´∀`;)
Why a dog was born as a dog?
When I heard the dog barking in the yard tonight, this question slid into my mind. What made you enjoying life after all?
It won't help anything even if I happen to figure that out; I never expect it though, such things are way too complicated than understanding why gravity exists.

Time leap will solve everything, as long as you're not having a infinite loop

Just because Lia and Maeda Jun the combination was back, I watched "Charlotte" over the past week. The first half was so great -- while I was aware of any kind of unexpected development. Yet the real development was way beyond my thoughts.
Everything up to they went to the live was perfect. The pace was going smoothly, no rushing, no slowing down. Beginning with the "remaining memories from the other 'world-line'", the story was going absurd. I personally don't dislike time leap and this sort of story, that I love Steins;Gate so much, but the combination of alien power destroys the good taste contributed by all previous episodes. Moreover, there're some isolated flags needed to be taken care of. I'm still wondering how Nao's brother will be after the time leap; he was brought to the secret base and thus had no chance to meet the singer -- don't tell me in a Steins;Gate's style, that the world will converge!
The ending is even absurd. No need to think, this is impossible. (well, since he's the main character, he's perhaps protected by the scripter's holy aura?)

Alice in Nightland

"Yomawari", featuring another nameless girl (refer to "jinrui wa suitai shimashita") who doesn't want to accept the truth that her dog is already dead due to her (or the game's tutorial's requested) action, goes exploring the night town to look for her lost dog and sister.
However, for lots of reasons, your name is Alice and "yomawari" becomes "Alice in Nightland".
I'm quite aware of my bad game play skills, that quickly in chapter 2, I got the trophy for "dying 30 times" (while one of my following players got it way after in chapter 4. orz). But in such an instant killing game, I believe I can die for over 300 times! I wonder whether the game actually counts your deaths and show it after game clear like how Silent Hill 0 shows how many times you've opened the map. -- Different from RPG, I don't mind dying at all!

↑ and is it a crazy idea that I want such a cushion? Like a crab, it's cute kimokawaii! xD
After looking around for a good note taking app, I decided to not rely on any of them. Eventually the "analogue" notebook wins. Take out and write on it, no pass-code, no wait for response, no risk for app crash; for this straightforward task, stuff from a dollar store is way better than anything from google play (apparently I'm not complaining about the old spec of my X-Arc).
Besides, typing on a keyboard had made my brain vague. I need to train it again for how to write some (common) kanji properly.

✾ For Chopin's Sake

Right now, it's complete whiteout outside. Earlier this day, the forecast said there'd be snowing in the evening; as the temperature was above zero, I thought it would be merely sleet, but it did develop into real snow. The first "serious" snow finally made its late arrival (that I should probably switch the unmatched "wokashi inst. version" to a "colder/whiter" track since tomorrow)! Too bad that I believe neither my phone or even the digital camera can handle the low lightness well, so I gave up to take a shot.

Trusty Bell

>> No, for his sake, please not ask me to bring up its subtitle, nor its English equivalent.. orz
I haven't played such a great RPG for a long while (partially because I didn't play so much RPG at all). Like I said 2 (?) weeks ago, now I'll give a section for it, filling up with my compliments, complaints, and complex.
  1. The graphic is extremely beautiful (the character design is cute too). Every single scene. For a lot of times, I stopped and just stared at the screen, doing nothing else but enjoying the beautifulness.
    1. Polka's "black-and-white" costume is my favourite.
  2. The music is good enough to be played individually -- Of course I'm not saying the "Chopin Selection".
    1. Need not to mention the "Chopin Selection" can be used as an introduction to people who're not familiar to him. I like the background narration inserted in each chapter.
  3. Battle system is fun and exciting (at some point). It's basically a turn-based-action hybrid, and it has a guard feature, which is crucial to whether you can survive even when your HP is fully tanked.
    1. Due to this, the battle is also evil enough. Time allowing you to respond the guard button is way too short (less than 1 second?), and once you fail, your HP goes down like mad. I assure this is the top 1 game that I die for the most of times (including normal battles!). Many boss fights I spent in this game were much longer than fighting Nosferatu (BIOHAZARD CODE VERONICA; 2 hours) and Salazar (BIOHAZARD 4; 2 hours).
    2. I like the setting about skill change under light or shadow.
    3. Other party members are actually blocking your way while moving, which is tricky to bring close-ranged characters to desired location in time.
    4. The camera angle is fixed, so it's (very) hard to know whether the character is at the right place in order to punch (endless complaints about chapter 3's boss).
    5. I never figured out how to let the long-ranged skill hitting onto the exact enemy I want to target.
    6. The "photograph" feature seems useless. I'm not doing Fatal Frame!
    7. Harmonic chain sounds delicious but is hard to activate.
  4. Most importantly, the story. I'd say this will be a good plot if removing the identity of the main character -- you know whom I mean, don't you...
    1. While ignoring this, it's a great fantasy a brighter version of "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" (which I figured out at the end of chapter 6), even including the sort-of-hard-to-understand final chapter.
    2. I don't really see a point of how each chapter fits the concept of Chopin's works. To me, it's more like dragging the two together with a little force. As "side contents", they're not bad though.
  5. A few poke-in's:
    1. As a person who checks the cast voice before actually playing a game, when I was watching the "prelude" cutscene, I laughed out that "Hirano Aya voices quite a lot who jump off" (while that part is so much like Fatal Frame 5).
    2. Also because of the cast voice, from the beginning to the end, I only referred Allegretto as "Satoshi (Corpse Party)".
    3. Again, during the "prelude" cutscene, I was disappointed by what Polka's mother said, and kept complaining "don't teach your child weird things, waves form because of wind, NOT moonshine".
At last, I looked up online before doing the game, that most other players said they spent about 25 hours to finish the first round, but why I spent 40 hours (NOT including re-try after death)?? Am I this bad (I even had a walkthrough site beside to make sure I don't get lost)?? LOL Sometimes, it's not a bad idea to do a CERO-A rated game! However, perhaps I'll never be able to complete the second round (endless die isn't fun!), and the best RPG in my mind is still Shadow Hearts series. ^^;
Because of Veronica, I got to know "Nosferatu", which is an almost 100-year old film. I didn't know it's a silent film (my history is bad), and earlier was even looking for a subtitle. But later on I noticed, the subtitles are integrated by the makers already, there's no need for any additional subtitles (except that English printed in old German font was really hard to read and thus a subtitle would help).
I'd say the original Nosferatu is for sure marvellous, although the film itself isn't that horror (as I've been so used to this kind of matter?), while in my mind, the plague-scenes are much more terrifying than Nosferatu.

"NosferatuShadow" by F.W. Murnau - screen capture around the 1hr 19min mark. Licensed under PD-US via Wikipedia.
↑ I do love this scene!

Now I'm a zombie!

Here's the certificate!

But why an operator? Ain't I supposed to be a researcher zombie (for example, the doctor zombie from Code Veronica)?
And Raccoon Park! I know it well. I died miserably due to the jumping out frog-hunter! xDD;;
I shall be looking forward Biohazard 0's HD remaster ← haven't even started Bio1 HD and Bio 6 though... orz
Only looking at the track list, I didn't have any desire to buy, but...

The CD jacket is too moe to not buy!
The most possible scenario is I'll get it together with Biohazard 0 in the end of next January.
("tSoLE" is beautiful! ><)

♡ 私の六鬼門♪

song of pocchong ~雫の唄~:♯(ドットがキツい)
nostalgia: 0(シフトへの挑戦、初じゃないけど)
SILENT HILL 2:♯(この名曲を手にした瞬間に感動!)
COSMOFLIPS:♯♯♯♯♯♯(なんとか出来た その二)
また、「Waiting for you」と、「Your Rain」と、「Tender Sugar」もしたいが、今ほど時間がなくてメインメロディーを抽出するのをやめた。来週するかも。
最後にWohlfahrtのおっさんにもお礼!これからもよろしくお願いします!m(_ _)m