音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ YACF -- Yet Another Code Fight

snippet 1.
Earlier in this week I got to listen to some one singing the song "Lady Jane" by the rolling stones, and I began to laugh before the song finished. The reason was straightforward, the lyrics is so embarrassing! How could they wrote it and actually sang it? (Leporello: If he continues, I'll laugh.) In this sense, Noriko's dark love songs are way, way better!
snippet 2.
I think I won't to be able to play a cello ever -- The true thought after looping Mozart's Rondo K.617 for hours. I stopped every time when the cello floats up. It's just too erotic to make me concentrate! (;´∀`)
snippet 3.
Big blame for Haruka's 10th anniversary premium box and the two Biohazard Revelation games, I'm now in parsimonious mode and have cancelled the original plan of getting a Xperia M4 or Z4 (unless my current Arc breaks into 5000 pieces).
snippet 4.
As of the game "Zero Nuregarasu no Miko", no matter for how many times I look at Kozukata Yuuri, I think she's like Rorona from the Atelier series, in terms of both the hairstyle and the clothing.
...and now the whole story:
It could be my longest record for a text parser script, spanning over 10 days. The concept doesn't sound complicated, but since we're asking the machine to work for us, we get to spend time making it happy.
While not being the most capable free software, I had no intention to switch from Aria Maestosa to another midi sequencer, which was because of not only its name but also its XML based save files. Its biggest drawback for me is that it can't produce a nice printout of the score. Later on, "Lilypond" showed up in the top hits when I searched for a sheet music printing software. When I read about it uses a text-based input, my brain was ready to initialise another code fight, that could bridge the two.
The idea didn't sound hard: you read through Aria XML by track, take each pitch and its length, and convert into the Lilypond format. But meanwhile, you have to consider when the notes overlap, with or without being of the same duration, different names for the same pitch, dotted notes or triplets, etc. Since Aira only supports one key signature per track, and the time change is applied to all tracks, the only big problem was how to organise the notes. After scrapping off a few pages, what I ended up was a rather complicated structure (once again I really love references!):
						pitch_number=>4~119 || 0,
				], #pitch1
				[], #pitch2
			] #chord1
			[], #chord2
		], #voice1
		[], #voice2
	], #measure1
	[], #measure2
I was indeed lost for so many times and during the early stage of designing the main structure, I kept inserting and commenting out "print Dumper $xxx; die". (;´∀`)
Of course I'm aware of it can never be perfect: it has mysterious issues with triple timing, will mis-calculate double dotted notes' durations (not a big deal as I rarely encounter double dotted notes), can't automatically produce grace notes and composer info (how much you can expect from a midi file?), requires manual editing to change keys, modify track names, add other marks, or this or that. But for my personal use, it's good enough. Finally there's a way to print nicely formatted sheet music in any key, or with transposition (which can be done in either Aria, Lilypond or my script).
The Outcome:

[1] which helped me testing the ground basics and revealed the issue with triplets.

[2] which gave me a chance to look at more about layout formatting and also disclosed a stupid yet severe bug in mapping pitch to note names.

♢ H=B, B=B♭

Good news: "biohazard 0" will be remastered and released on PlayStation in next year! Now I don't need to struggle whether or not to get a wii in future (wii doesn't have enough games for me, and it has the stupid region lock)!
Seems I can eventually say something like: I've done biohazard 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (plus veronica and the two revelations)!! xD
Another good news: Noriko Mitose's "Tama no Fune" is in b minor, but...
a bad news: Akiko Shikata's "Umineko's Naku Koro ni" is in f minor (at least I don't feel like that's supposed to be in A-flat major).
As for why they are good or bad news, I'll save it for myself.
Since last Sunday, I got myself excited by 1) the violin part in "Tama no Fune", 2) my updated draft on "Tama no Fune" based on (1), and 3) some Taishou-Roman motif dresses.
So after spending sparsely a whole week, I finally finished the "Tama no Fune" project I had almost since the release of "Yorlga".
Yet I'm glad I made such a big delay, as I didn't have any intention to make background by myself until last year, although it was actually this March when I took it more seriously.
Any way, like I said before, making the background is fun!
↓↓↓If you think it's like "ARIA", it must be your imagination!

Nocturne in h-moll
However, toward the very end of background makeup, I realised I lost my common sense in seasons: floating lanterns are usually in summer, flying sakura petals happen in spring, the camellia-hairpin is related to winter, and, you can forcefully think the red flowers (which I drew with no references at all) belong to autumn. Besides, regardless the title of song, I didn't have any decoration for the boat -- because I didn't know how.. ._.
Again, as usual, the real problem was giving it a title, and this time it indeed made me looping this song for entirely 3 hours (although I didn't mind it)! I even had the impulse to only throw phrases of the song and leave things like it. And I ended up with the common "pseudo" title, "Music Form in X-scale", except that this was not for a music piece. A weak connection I've got here: h-moll is b-minor, which is the scale of "Tama no Fune"; I also attempted to use "barcarole" but "nocturne" looks better.
Frankly, my head went crazy while dealing with the title. Noriko's voice just reminded me the taste of sweet cherries (after being fridge-chilled) -- Nonetheless the cherries are poisoned: refer to its lyrics, when she counts "10". (;´∀`)

❆ 大人だって我が儘の権利がありますよん★

かゆい うま…

↑ このネタもやめて欲しいんだけど…^^;
死にまくっていた→あのくそ歯ぐきネメシスのお陰でね!!(゚д゚ )
ミハイルだけでなく、カルロスとニコライをも使いたい! ><

七瀬光(伊藤真澄) ―― 境界の彼方 劇場版 オリジナルサウンドトラック

志方あきこ ―― 暁

みとせのりこ ―― Love Songs

この人は「Vierge Automatique」以来全然新曲を出す気がなさそう(間違えたら謝る)、けどベスト連発のお陰で昔の入手できない曲がいっぱいもらったし割にいいかな。みとせのLove songか、滅ぼそうな歌ばかりなので本気に数えてみたらそんなものがありますかと疑問しても、今度は「rapyer」が収録されたので私的には文句なしです。(ノ´∀`*)

★ After a "small incident"

Let me call this weekend a nostalgic mode of Biohazard 3. I've done 3 rounds in total during the past 2 days, which then make a total of 6 times clear in this game. Since I used to play on the PC version and just switched to PS1, I still need to do it at least 5 times in order to see all epilogues.
While it's just hard for me to get a S rank! The hunters are there so I can't dare to do no-save runs, and I can't go across zombies/etc without getting damage.. °A°

But I simply love the feeling of radio control! (*´▽`*)
While the main topic today is about what I've made on this Friday -- purely on a sudden impulse, although what actually I finished is entirely different from my initial concept (which is not strange at all!) in terms of the global make up.
Based on Suga Shikao's "Loveless", what appeared in my mind was mostly "cold" stuff, especially rain -- so I get to include an umbrella (and for a moment I was trying to dye it to be like the one from Biohazard)! As for the choose of character, from I → C → Y → L and finally → M. I also tried to integrate a little aura resembles Makise Kurisu (it's so true that I can't stop masking it with a beautiful strikethrough!!).
The background was supposed to be with a more abstract background made up by line art and this kind. Just because recently I've got a few inspirations on Photoshop, when I played around to arrange some candidate photo references my mind was changed. I wanted to draw a more real background and try out the new Photoshop techniques.
The brick path, similar to what I did in the previous: shadowing + blurring on the strokes with an overall grediant; the flowers/trees were kind of new to me: an irregular shaped brush with colour/size/space jitter did the job; the sky was of the most fun, because of the crepuscular rays (the first time I drew it from scratch)! However, I couldn't get the proper effect for a just-stopped-light-rain feeling (need to find more examples, maybe I'll try it out next time..).
Obviously, doing such a background is fun, and of more freedom as an existing photo can't be fitting into the fore character for most of times, even it does fit, it's not easy to post-photoshop it.
The result doesn't look bad, while the PSD file is over 400 MB before being compressed (the fault of flowers?!).

The Lingering Tune
↑ The title is ambiguous(?) as usual. So I'm thinking maybe it's time to introduce sone "background" about my girls! xD

❆ Span Closed

When I saw the calender I was relieved, seems I still have time to fill up the hole I left in this month. I was distracted seriously during the past 30 days and thus had left a big span. Now look at the screen shot I had for my unfinished drawing, which was made on March 29; today is April 29, it's exactly one month!
Yet I had never left an artwork untouched for that long...
I was dealing with a couple of incidents that were much more troublesome than using solely a knife to stab zombies. Troublesome, I'm not completely negative here though. I'll come back to this topic later on, but now, time to close the span of my top priority!
-- it doesn't mean I'm going to write this post using all '<span>' instead of '<div>'. ^^;

From KOKIA to Silent Hill (cont.)

My ex-unfinished work was pending at the make-up step. It was tough. On my mind, I did had the idea of a detailed attic room, and I actually had it on my draft. But to transform a piece of real drawing pencil doodling into photoshop was a pain. In the previous screen shot, you can see I did have the "base reference" ready in layers, but I was worrying about how to arrange them altogether as a whole.
When I came back after one month, though, I didn't think too much and finished these small props first. Then, I began to play around with them. I in fact had drawn an attic room view in background, but it looked bad, so I kept modifying the rendering gradient until its opacity became 100%, in which the attic background wasn't visible any more. The gradient only fill-up was amazingly fitting well with the characters, although looked a bit unrealistic. So I wasn't sure how I should proceed. Should I continue working on a drawn attic view?
For a short moment I tried to just use the gradient since I could finish it right there, but a few days ago, after googling a couple of anime background pictures, I though I got the idea on how to do more detailed post-rendering. It's hard to say in words though; after brushing/blurring/photoshop-effecting, I did get a better looking attic view as the background:

I don't have a 3D model with light source (maybe I should make some in future), so the lighting effect may look weird, but at current stage, I'm quite satisfied.
By the way, I eventually decided to omit the celestial globe (which was appearing in my previous screen shot) because I was too lazy to draw it.
Once the attic looked okay, I was finally of more desire to do the global lightings and other depictions, and then blend the characters in.

It definitely looks better than a simple gradient only background! :3
However, I wasn't aware of that I spent one additional day to figure out a title. This time, everything was ambiguous. It's not clearly from a song, though KOKIA and Akira Yamaoka's melodies contributed a lot. My idea had changed so much that even I myself got lost.
I ended up with the title "Fragmented Reflection", but it's not directly linked to the drawing itself. My girls have their backgrounds, which I hadn't got the time to tell!
After "a literary moment", it was my second time doing a full size background (I think others such as "Marionette Fantasia" don't count as that's mainly a big single object). Full of uncertainty, but it was really fun. Maybe next time when I'm out of drawing ideas, I can remake of existing works to improve both the characters and the background.

God Knows by Suga Shikao

In my high school PE class, for a few weeks we were asked to perform a technique of passing the basketball to the basket, regardless whether or not you love this sport (apparently I don't care it at all and my degree of interest was negative). No matter how many times I see the demo, either I could do with my hands and I couldn't run properly, or I could run but I lost the ball (at that time I even had the impulse to punch my PE teacher on her face, why didn't she just leave those who having no love with the stupid orange ball alone?).
Not only in my high school, I had trauma in all/ PE classes, from elementary school until to the first two years of undergrad, nor I'm a fan of any type of sports so I never watch Olympic games or so. I know my body is poorly coordinated. I can bump into the table/chair/etc edges while seeing it's right in my way (it's strange that I've never hurt myself while handcrafting -- maybe it has nothing to do with body coordination).
-- Hope I can increase my AGL eventually. (´∀`;)
Last words:
Today when I was talking to someone, I got this idea: if I happen to have two (male) cats, I'll call one "Chris" and the other "Leon", similarly, for females one will be "Jill" and the other will be "Ada"!! :3

☆ Sexy vs. Erotic? Explained (platonically)!

At the very beginning, let me state this first:
Cello has to be the most erotic instrument, and here is why:
Cello is written as チェロ in Japanese,
チ is 1000, and エロ is erotic,
so Cello => チェロ => チ+エロ => 1000 times erotic!
Following the same logic, why I'm specially fond of violin is probably because:
Violin => バイオリン => バイオ => Bio => my major (・ω・`)
It also answers my love in VAIO laptops: VAIO => バイオ.
Before I continue with more stuff like this, I'd like to claim,
I'm really serious throughout the entire post!
Seems I'm getting into the habit of listening Dvořák's "Dumky Trio" every day, and suddenly on this Friday, instead of exclaiming "this is delicious!", my brain was echoing "My Goddess, this is just erotic!"
-- Especially the cello.
For a lot of times, except the solo pieces, cellos are likely to be overlooked. Yes, there is something low behind, harmonising the entire music; but of more detail, it's hard to tell.
Most listeners don't have perfect pitch, nor are they analysing every single piece measure by measure.
Even in small scaled chamber music, cellos are still less noticeable compared to piano and violin, although better than in a full size orchestra.
Dvořák's "Dumky" perhaps made me paying 120% attention to this meek instrument for the first time. Unlike other pieces that I know, here, I can't stop following the cello part. From the beginning to the end, without being distracted by the other two shinning stars. Of course, I can mostly follow the violin part as well, but I tend to lose tracking in the piano part for quite a lot of times. Although I don't know why. Just let me believe that there must be a kind of spell bringing cello to the top!
Recalling that I ever said I didn't (and I still don't) understand why a guy could think this albinoid image is erotic. To judge whether or not being erotic can be fairly personal and subjective, so no doubt my senselessness toward his mind.
Therefore, I wonder how many people have the same feeling as mine?
Maybe people use "sexy" more frequently. I have my alternative that is "delicious".
Since the moment of switch from "delicious" to "erotic" for "Dumky", my brain started another topic:
what is the difference between "delicious", or "sexy", and "erotic"?
Google didn't give me satisfying answers. They say these two are basically the same, with subtle difference "physically". But all of my thoughts against the explained "physical context" led me nowhere but the third definition, "18+".
Obviously my last word (or term) can't be used to describe a piece of music. So there has to be a way differentiating these two,
I clearly can sense the difference, yet I don't know how to explain verbally so I'll give a few examples here.
Mozart's "K. 502" is sexy, while
Dvořák's "Dumky" is erotic (as described above);
A decently designed web page can be sexy, while
its HTML/script source code is way more erotic (as the combination of various tags make up the visual display);
the definition of e looks sexy, while

doing t-test in with a little typing is indeed erotic (as I don't need to worry about any human error during the calculation:
>>etc., etc...
-- Hope I'm not down the rabbit hole to figure out such an abstract thing! xD
Furthermore, I also want to know when people feel something is erotic, do they have the same physical change, such as the hormone level? Such emotional feelings are all triggered by the brain, through the stimulation of what you see/hear/touch/etc.; the brain then releases corresponding waves, passing through different cells relayed by synapses, and eventually increase/decrease specific chemical(s) that change our body's status... so when I get the platonic feeling of "erotic", does my body reacts similarly like people who have the physical version?
-- The project to decipher the human brain and body and the connection might be never complete!!
See, science definitely has a lot of more fun than history or politics!

✿ On the edge of self-destruction


From KOKIA to Silent Hill

Since KOKIA's release of "I found you", in my brain was it full of colours, which were kind of visual reaction being stimulated by the music. But this time, I couldn't catch anything with more details and the plan to make a new drawing was once paused.
On last Saturday, again I tried to re-challenge. I sat there for almost 4 hours, played with the last 2.5 cm of my currently in-use pencil. As a result, I did make a draft, after peeling the pencil off by ~0.5 cm.
↓ Here it came to the end of another short-piece -- thanks for your hard working so far!
On the left is a reference object, which is also the game I mostly want to do right now. >_<
It began with the song "Solace", which has a painting-related motif. That's how I arranged my work -- I struggled quite a lot to depict a-girl-coming-out-from-a-painting, yet there was no good. I should blame myself who made the drafts way too ambiguous that even myself can't convert patterns on the real paper into a psd file (and the background inside of the painting came just after a few random tries)... orz
Still, guess that's it, I'm not going to fight further, although it's not what exactly I expected.
Then, the hardest thing, the background. Obviously this time I can't simply go google image a free abstract piece then modify it. To fit into the ambience, I need an actual room, an atelier, or even a secret space like that being used in a cult. My original plan consists of a dark forest with symbolic objects, but at some point everything changed into what you see now.

The time is night, in an attic of that like semi-storage and semi-atelier. Now the biggest revolution! While doing the draft, in spite of I was listening to KOKIA, I kept thinking about Silent Hill, more specifically, the unreleased tunes "Waiting for you". So although the first inspiration was from KOKIA, even before I digitalised my scribble, I was already integrating some "self-styled" and "pseudo" Silent Hill aura into this work -- I was even dreaming of doing a background that full of rusty wire netting and misty night fog! <<< Probably I won't do it as it's likely beyond my skill. But any way, other than these otherworld elements, it's hard to convey such a idea. However, no matter how others think, it will be my first try to bridge into Silent Hill with my MOE-characters.
As a habit since last year, let me summarise the total time I've spent so far:
drafting (characters) + rough design = 3 h 46 m
initialise outline + basic colouring = 4 h 13 m
character shadowing + background arrangement = 6 h 30 m
background details = 3 h
After all of these, I indeed had the feeling of being a magic fighter yet with no MP at the moment. Time to stop. On Sunday evening, I decided to not continue until next weekend.
Like I wrote above, doing the background from zero is nothing but self-destruction.
One more consideration: whether I should put a black cat somewhere!

Tattoo of a book

Recently I was doing Fatal Frame 3, and thus I went to wikipedia for some basic info about tattoos. I used to think about getting a tattoo like the one KOKIA has (as long as it doesn't hurt << of course it does), but when I learned a tattoo can't be easily removed, I dropped the idea permanently.
Tonight, while had a glance of one of my book, which I wrote my name on the fore-edge. Wait, isn't this similar to a tattoo? You can't easily remove the fore-edge writing unless you scrub the pages... Nothing else but this suddenly flashed over my mind.

Hang in there, LipAura!!

In this evening my laptop suddenly had lost all its ability to recognise my USB mouse or the touchpad. I had no clue what happened. I assumed a reboot would solve it. But once, no good. So I did it for another time, finally, it went back to normal. Although the mouse may not be recognised, it was the first time I saw the touchpad lost control. Strange.
Like me, are you on your way of self-destruction as well? (;´∀`)