音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ F.Aid Spray Abuse★

Regardless having no guts to break into Hunk/Tofu episode, I eventually couldn't resist trying Biohazard 3 last night (I want to continue "Call of Cthulhu", but my body rejects it by giving me severe motion sickness). I've only watched someone's playing video quite a while ago, but because that guy was way too boring, I dropped barely after 10 minutes (right around the old man who lost his daughter locked himself inside a truck). So I can say Bio3 is completely new to me, and thus I'm excited (how far I can go by myself).
Being afraid to get spoiled, I didn't read anything about this game except its user manual, so the "choose a costume" was very mysterious--how could my fresh install grant them?! Anyway, I don't mind being spoiled in this aspect...

Jill simply fits the police cosplay S.T.A.R.S. uniform~
But comparing with Bio2, Bio3 was worse in terms of key controls. I spent much time adjusting keys, and while getting myself used to the system, I touched something interesting:

Does it mean Bio3 also has "B side"? Since I did learn that there's another main character in this game. By the way, Bio2 was currently my favorite one in Biohazard series (1-5), because its duo-side setting, like parallel worlds.

In Silent Hill, the thing on the ground is probably a pipe~

At first I thought he's Chris, but soon realised he's not.
--He's the guy who gave Bio2 players the key to the costume closet~

A simple lock.. I need Jill's key-pick. Understood!

And now it's our familiar R.P.D.~ (the only place I don't need a map~~ w)
Right after entering the R.P.D., here came the parallel world again. Bio3 is supposed to be before Bio2's story (since Brad was alive), but most areas in the R.P.D. building was sealed--who opened them in Bio2 then, and many statues were absent or with a completely different description. What's going on?! Well, guess I shouldn't be so picky..
Like Bio2's B-side story, a boss-ish gorilla showed up (and you have to choose a way to deal with him). Last night, I ran into the building but he appeared when I was about to leave. And.. he got me for all my 3 tries! Today, I chose to fight first, yet he still appeared. Fine, I get it, perhaps he's like Tyrant in Bio2 or the Pyramid Head in SH2 who can't be defeated until the last battle. Nice, Bio3 is not action, it's survival horror--You don't need to do too much but running away--like what I do in CoC (at least I don't have motion sickness and I have maps)!
--And there's no screen shots for him since I don't have chance to do it! xD

Yet different from Bio2, why the area to search is SO BIG!! °A°
I like horror games, but I never say my play skill is good enough to survive even under normal mode. So for a new game, I always start from easy mode (and in case of Silent Hill 2 it was beginner mode ^^;), and that's why I have almost endless ammo.
But what I want to say is what I just took:

火かき棒... reminds me SDK (Suda Kyouya from SIREN)!
Now, I'm trying to mess up my item box with this or that, especially herbs. Since it says for Lite Mode the grade won't be displayed, I decided to abuse all First Aid Spray first before touch these herbs, and see how many life supplies I'll have by the end--as a measurement of entering Normal Mode--just hope the arrangement of items are the same. But currently I think I'm lost in the downtown area. I spent ~8 hours for the first-time play of both Biohazard 1 and 2, let's see how long I'll need to finish Biohazard 3!

The photo of S.T.A.R.S members. HD(?) version.
Front (left-right): ?, ?, Chris, Jill, Joseph(?)
Back (left-right): ?, ?, ?, ?, Wesker, Barry, Brad

✽ 3 Happy Weeks in June

I was supposed to finish this quick post last night (this early morning) but I fell asleep~ wwww
"I have no interest in business." -- "That's why you're in science."
This conversation happened yesterday, when we finished the last session of the "end-up-to-do-the-same-task-1k-times" (scripting) class. Although for lots of things in that class I've already known, such as how to tame a camel, or how to sing out the magic spell of regex, the rest was really very helpful and activated more shining sparkles in my brain. Now I'll at least know where I'm going next time when I get lost. Of course, I'm not a FBI hacker (I wish I were), so I'm not doing things that's hard to figure out. Although I wish there were more about how to tame a penguin, guess I shouldn't ask for too much.
Since last year, I do believe my logic has changed a lot, which helped a lot to follow easily in that class. I myself would assume I don't really need to take it, but I won't tell I took it because it almost means an automatic "A" -- I know it's not correct because one guy dropped half way. Anyway, that was indeed three happy weeks. Yet again, I'd say it's such a nice thing to learn how to manage the best swiss army knife on one line. Meanwhile, outside of the class, I finally figured out an acceptable way to save money & time from EndNote (have never bought and never tried though) and Word Reference, which I once stalled in the end of last year. Plain text, sometimes with simple markups, solves everything for me (and people who have similar logic to mine).

Penguin is hard to tame indeed. I've spent the whole night yesterday to try to install XML::Simple, but I kept getting the same test failure. Same for R. I sudo-apt-get-ed this or that, and then got a new error after every step. This morning, I tried around again, and sudo-cpan-ed to make a upgrade (not sure if that worked though). Afterwards, "I know I'd get the error again but I just want to type it".

--->>> install XML::Simple.

and like a magic, I got it.

I feel surprised, released, but not happy. I know I'm becoming much more complicated.
I also know I've been spoiled too much by the pretty and adorable Strawberry. ~_~
Yet originally I was planning to write other things--3 days ago.
This week's greatest news:
Penguin Village now has its own opera house~~
---> Opera finally came to Linux as Developer version!
(I really feel like I'll lose my intelligence if I keep watching that anime... ^^;)
So finally I can say goodbye to chrome for pages that Opera 12.16 can't deal with smoothly. (Maybe the only google product I don't like so far is chrome.) And now the next wish is that they could solve the data sync so I don't have to copy back and forth to keep all have the same settings.
Now, I wonder, when we can have gdrive on PenOS? Hope they haven't forgot (or given up) on that~~
Life updates:
I should have spent more time to play with my daughter! Although promised I'd get some new toys for her since last year, I still haven't made it~~~ I didn't mean to neglect her, and I love her. The fact couldn't be changed, but at least the pile of things are decreasing little by little. I know I'll eventually do what I've promised, just not now now. だから、ここで一応謝罪します~ ( ´ω`)♪
Side complaint:
I just don't understand why every of our summer student are so slow to understand something. To have time explain things to them, I'd finish the task on my own!! ><
And at the very last of this post,
Thank you very much and all the best in Austria, J.S.!~

❆ ちぐはぐupdate★

Raining makes me happy.
↑ Although I tried hard to find a good opening line after about a month of absense, this is what I decided to use.
--It's raining♪ so who cares about today's special property? -- I mean, it's Jun-13th, Friday.
Some Silent Hill will help to create the superb aura, so I switched from Mozart (who I wasn't with for quite a while) to my self-made SH selection:
Akira Yamaoka is so awesome, so is Mary's performance. Although I still don't like how the "main theme"-ish track in Silent Hill 2 got to be named as "Laura's Theme" (right, I don't like kids, especially brats like her).
I also I need to start SH 4 some time...
Yet previously I was doing some other horror games.
First, "Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth". Someone recommoned me this game. It is scary, more in some other meanings though. I do want to continue, but I've been stuck at a the beginning of chapter 3 (or 2, I don't remember) for a month (because I didn't intend to resume). The first-person view annoys and makes me dizzy < an outsider reason unfortunately. Seems my maximual limit of being fine under such a view is less than 20 minutes, so thus I got stuck, because there's no map and I have no sense of direction and my own sake doesn't allow me to keep searching the way out. ^^;; Go back one step, this game is also too mean: the character should automatically switch to jump mode since no one would be aware of looking around like in the real life! (I believe people who've played it know what I mean).
And the second, "BIOHAZARD 2". An awesome game and I may have a folder containing all my random screen caps for it in future days.
But I'll still put one here:

↑ I couldn't make it in "BIOHAZARD 1", but I got it easily here~
Here, I'd like also to thank to Kotumeko, the live streamer who did both, and made me set up my trip to Raccoon City.
His nick-naming style is super too!
バイオハザード2 : バイチュ (bite-you~)

ハンドガンの弾 : ハンたま
ショットガンの弾 : ショッたま
マグナムの弾 : マグたま
硫酸弾 : りゅうさま

#グリーンハーブ : グリーンハー
#レッドハーブ : レッドハー
#ブルーハーブ : ブルーハー
救急スプレー : キュウスプ

インクリボン : インクリ

リッカー : 課長
タイラント : (ハゲチャビン)部長
G : 社長/パパ

ショットガン(とくにカスタム) : 俺の嫁! ← 私のまごころ

ベレッタのマガジン : まんが
Moreover, Leon's custom shotgun gives such a nice sound. I think I'm getting it that why guys love guns! xD
Even I've cleared BIO2 for many rounds, I still haven't got the courage to run Hunk&Tofu's mini-chapters. For sure I'll do it as a happy end of this game, but now recently.
Finally, I'm happy that we can see Chris appears here again:

Well done, Chris, you made my screen into 5k pieces!! <3
Last thing. About SIREN2.
I've made myself convinced: if one day I actually play SIREN, it's all because of Takeuchi Tamon, and If I do SIREN 2, it's all for Itsuki Mamoru and Fujita Shigeru.. SIREN NT? I'm not sure. Maybe it'll be all for Sam. :3
Anyway, what I want to say is:

Itsuki, you do like Steins;Gate, don't you?!

BANZAI!! The best kaomoji fit I've seen so far!
I believe I've forgotten how to write a blog post. So I'll end here and hope I can manage myself next time.

♧ Cache=12 Giga!

My first time full background makeup took me 17.5 hours in total. Because it was too tiresome I omitted the globe. Also because to put all objects in one single file will incrase the total PS processing time, I separated them into individual files -- good thing was I realised how I should place anchors in each file in order to assemble them in order easily.
So as a quick comparison.
before @ 140512

after @ 140517
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *
Just a summary list I made during the past week.
2:09 - table + lamp
1:30 - bookshelf day 1
1:45 - bookshelf day 2
2:00 - grandfather clock
5:30 - window + colouring 1
2:00 - colouring 2
final assemble & make up
20:15 - 23:14 << actual time on my computer
Yet during the final assemble, I noticed my computer's disk space decreased like mad!
↓ before & after I finishing the final makeup.

Were my files that big that took 12 GB of cache space? Anyway, I was really glad that Photoshop didn't crash.
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *
The two most fun parts were:
1. outlining and colouring the table and the stuff on it.
2. adding text/titles onto books/pages (although I didn't do it for all the books in the shelf since it's too tiresome ^^;).
What about some zoom-in's~?
I. The obvious book title:
Same as what I thought last time.

You fail if you don't know what that is~
II. Obvious book titles and a piece of less-obvious lyrics
As for the paper in the front, I believe it's big enough to read. Somewhat, one person's name there is related the title shown above. :3

A1: Mozart's 7 mature operas. Supposed to be libretto and more study reports (well, the thickness was random since I didn't know I'd put these titles while drawing them).
By the way the top opened book is the libretto taking from "Idomeneo", mainly "that" aria (I mean No. 29...). No more comments! People like me understand the true meaning behind! XD
A2: Lyris of Akiko Shikata's "HOLLOW". I picked up this title by an even more random chance than Mozart's opera titles!
III. Can you figure out which novel the text is from?
Hint: Ali Project has a song under the same title (So does Kate Bush.). Also, the light novel "Bungaku Shoujo" has an episode with it as the motif.

A: from Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *
Overall, not bad as my first time drawing full-background setups~
Gotta practise more about lighting control. I was planning to do more with the lamp this time, but (too lazy to set up a real model so) I didn't have a good reference. Plus, using gradient/etc on Photoshop to apply lighting effects is still tricky to me so I gave up.
Finally, vertical zoom-in version:

文学的なひと時――a literary moment
inspired by Noriko Mitose's "kinema mosaic".
Although I still have stuff to put in this post, considering too many pictures I inserted I'd bring everything else to my next post~! ><

✿ I'm Valid for Mother's Day, Complaints?

Ideas just burst without giving you much time to prepare ahead, which explains why I should be counted as valid for enjoying Mother's Day".
I wasn't planning to do any drawing for this Sunday. So, blame Noriko who flamed up my spirit! -- I've been with Mozart for such a long time so this morning I felt so nostalgic while playing her songs again~ °w°
My point (?) is that I fell in love with that song at the very first listening, and since then, shapes and colour patches were turning in my head. But I couldn't fetch them to detail. Once, if I remember correctly, I got a draft with that song--for some reason I forgot I didn't "give it life" (I suppose that draft is gone forever).
Anyway, I believe I'm doomed to reach "something" with that song, and today it was the time.

Do you smell some aura like that of a magical study/library? (σ・∀・)σ
Next tasks:
- Find out some text to fill into the blank pages, also a title for the cover page. What I should use then? Considering the entire setting, Shakespeare is good, although personally I don't like his stuff too much (mainly the trauma from Silent Hill 3 but I'm not switching the topic now) except "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (thanks to Mendelssoh :3)--that can be the title. As for the text, what about Arthur Conan Doyle?? Even though I'm now doing this sort of cosplay~~ =w=
- Do the make-up, blend a background. Two choices so far: Taishou Style and Magical Fantasy. Basically, the former is merely a nostalgic study, and the latter is more like the aura I've mentioned earlier. Yet the former is supposed to be preferred since that's also of the song that I got inspired by.
... Almost forgot, the song, right, I haven't brought its title clearly.
"Kinema Mosaic" <<< You've probably read it of my fb2k OSD at the top right corner of that screen shot (I left it there on purpose, you see).
And last, right, the time.. I spent 7 hours up to this point, not including the very first drafting time (more surprisingly Photoshop didn't lag at all, thanks to windows 8.1 (?) and hope it's not just by chance!).

❋ Milk Tea

No matter what, I'd believe my past 2 weeks were totally messed up. People can tell that's true when they insert their office key into their home's door.. (Hope it's not because someone I don't like just left and not because I died to much in CoC).
1. Last Wednesday (Apr-23)
I've let my dough (or immature bread) raised to a pretty decent shape, then I just thought it won't hurt so I kept it raising for another 40 minutes.
As a result, it shrunk...(although still soft when you eat it)!! °A°
2. Tuesday evening (Apr-29)
I got my finger touched to the blade of a kitchen knife the first time since I started cooking. Yet at the very moment, what appeared in my mind is, "perhaps this is why scalpel has to be very sharp, so the person being cut doesn't feel hurt." -_-''
3. Wednesday afternoon (Apr-30)
The weather turned to plus 15-20, making me super unhappy.
--well, it's around 5 right now, raining, so I'm happy. =w=
4. Wednesday evening (Apr-30)
Since my first disappointed try of Harve (you know I'm saying windows) 8.1 in last October, I finally decided to try it again because 8.0 keeps nagging me to do it.
At least this time, things were fine, and the blurry display--not disappeared completely but I just somehow fixed it.
So far, I haven't felt anything very different in terms of performance or new functions, but I do dislike the "start" button that does nothing... hey, I'm NOT the one who ever complained to Microsoft that they should bring the button back!! =_=
You know I now use CMD to call this or that, so I merely wish this button doesn't come back or I can hide it like how I customise the taskbar.
5. Thursday evening (May-1)
Like what I said in previous post, PHYSO-PASS, due to our great chef Urobuchi, almost all my fav-ed chars are gone so I was not happy.
After that, I tried to resume my GinEiDen, but again, I'm now giving up (or I'd say I've already given up). Tanaka Yoshiki is the biggest lunch-box producer for sure (hope you know what I mean)!!
But that OVA was really well made. If I didn't read the novel, I'd keep watching to the end.
6. This morning (May-2)
Mr. Sanger's Pfam help isn't up-to-date. My script that does batch search for me started to strike this morning. After a few rounds debugging, I realised the problem isn't from me but from Mr. Sanger... the target URL should be changed to the *.org one... x_x
=> and that's really annoying that lots of online database doesn't provide either a good API or a good explaniation of it, which keep getting people confused and wasting time to debug.
7. Just now (May-2)
I forgot my cup was filled with milk this morning so I didn't rinse it very well and I filled it up with water and pushed it into microwave then I dumped some tea leaves into the water...
milk tea.. guess that's what I ended up with.

♧ Urobutchered!! °A°

Just finished PSYCHO-PASS, and I'm not very happy now.
Both Ishida and the pops are gone urobuchered (sorry, I'm weak at remembering people's names)!! At first I was dreaming something good would happen so we could get a happy end--but, well, you know that's an anime in which Urobuchi is involved so you should be aware that anything can happen.
And I'm not sure how its 2nd season would be like. Without those two, I don't feel like to watch it. ._.
-- guess I'll watch it anyway, the 1st season's plot is really good... yet it doesn't mean I like to be urobuchered! ><
With this chance, I'd like to take a deeper look at my own criteria for how I decide whether or not to watch an anime -- just realised such criteria exist a few days ago when I decided to watch PSYCHO-PASS.
Now I'm indeed considering whether I should watch an anime: +5 (better than ignoring!)
story type:
horror/thrill/detective: +30
fantastic/magic/supernatural/SF: +25
very funny: +15
daily sketch (healing type): -5
harem/GL/BL ONLY: -50
content in terms of rating:
too much ero-scene: -25
too much gore-scene: -10
drawing style:
Moe / high quality: +15
low quality: -5
too "man": -20
cast voice:
of my favs: +10 each
Ishida Akira / Koyasu Takehito: +25 each
char settings (calculate per main char):
tsundere: -30
kuudere / yandere: +15
ikemen: +15
nice ossan~: +25
shota: -5 (except Edogawa Conan => + 20 !!)
loli: +5
useless/stupid char: -20
generally good: +10
Ito Masumi / Kenji Kawai: +20
other known composers: +15
songs (calcualte per song, OP/ED/IN):
good: +5 each
KOKIA / Akiko Shikata: +20
Shimotsukin / Noriko Mitose: +10
Anyhow, regardless that the following list is made based on my personal experience, the points were assigned very subjectively, and they can be added up independently -- Of course, the higher the better, but I don't know what's the max or cutoff (for not watching it).
Just for fun, you see. xD
Perhaps I should stop here, and save my rest stuff for my next post~